Duke Nukem: Forever - And not a single **** was given that Day

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That looked actually pretty good.

I hope they'll finish it, it's popular (and tragicomical) title and if it really would come out I bet it would sell better than your average alien FPS.
Duke Nukem! I ****ing love him! Can't wait for this game! I still wish I had DN 3D.
Let's keep beating the dead horse.

First of all, Duke Nukem has a facebook account now, and he has posted a previously unseen screenshot of what is supposedly DNF, titled "D-Day pics".
And here it is

But wait! There's more!
Scott Miller, co-owner of 3D Realms, posted something interesting in facebook.

Some of this may be related to the I-Phone games, but the screenshot puzzles me. It can't be from a mobile game, and a completely new game would be ridiculous, so as far as I'm concerned, it's a new DNF screenshot. But why call it a "D-Day" picture?
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