Dragonspine Axe

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Someone faund Dragonspine Axe? I know he is LEGENDARY ITEM and need to do quest or somthing? (If someone faund it be very cool picture or screenshot)  :grin:

yup.. I recieved a chipped one as well, but mine was off a snake cult spawn.  But it was regular spawn not named or army.

never used it.. and deleted the savegame long time ago.

ah well, next time i take a pic  :mrgreen:

I received two dragonspine axe one from a battle agaisnt three vanksberrys parties, and a chipped one from another vanksberry party, there is somethin in rumours said about a vanksberry axe able to cut everything
Also got a chipped one from a vanskerry party, presumably the jarl.

Though I am not sure what I should be using it for. The speed is horrendous compared to other top-tier loot.
Daergarz said:
Also got a chipped one from a vanskerry party, presumably the jarl.

Though I am not sure what I should be using it for. The speed is horrendous compared to other top-tier loot.
From what I understand, the bonus agains shields is one of the best things about the axe. When you're assaulting a fortress, you encounter a lot of shields, and being able to just slice through them like butter is perfect, much better then swords or arrows that just bounce off shields.
littlemikey said:
Daergarz said:
Also got a chipped one from a vanskerry party, presumably the jarl.

Though I am not sure what I should be using it for. The speed is horrendous compared to other top-tier loot.
From what I understand, the bonus agains shields is one of the best things about the axe. When you're assaulting a fortress, you encounter a lot of shields, and being able to just slice through them like butter is perfect, much better then swords or arrows that just bounce off shields.

Well, any axe has a bonus against shields. A speed of 90 compared to a speed of 120/125 for runed and or noldor weapons enables you to just keep swinging without the enemy landing a hit. Instead of block and counterstrike you get a block and struck.

Anyway, it's a cool weapon, love the model and textures, I'm just saying that from a "powergaming" viewpoint, I feel it falls short of the mark. Now, if it had a piercing (like the noldor blades used to have) or blund modifier, then we'd be in business. =)
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