Downloading update

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I am unable to download the update; clicking the link results in a brief wait then a 'timeout' error message from my browser (Firefox). I have also tried using standard IE, where I get a brief wait followed my a 'this page cannot be displayed' error message. I have also tried using a download accelerator, (FreshDownload), again with no success.
I just tried it and both the setup and the patch links worked perfectly (I use Opera 8.0). Either the links were down for some reason earlier and armagan has managed to fix them or the problem is on your end. Anyway test the link again and post back.
I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you should/could do. I wonder why armagan hasn't answered here yet...
I have no idea what the problem is. The server is working normally and I can download the file as well.

Zadok13: Please resize your avatar. It's too big.
Thx Vaerraent.

BTW sorry 'bout the avatar, didn't think it was that big :oops: Deleting it now...

Got a new avatar now; This one should be better.
Frick it. Anyhoo, I found a link to a mirror in another post; it works fine, but the problem is the only download available from it is the full install for the version I already have...
I took the liberty of putting the 623->632 upgrade in your "bug report" post. Did that work for you?
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