- redid the UI for wider screens (16:9) and applied some fixes
- added complete polish translation
- added better version compatibility checks for safety reasons
- tons of fixes in names and texts (wrong names, typos, added missing texts etc.)
- added 9 new maps
- many small changes and fixes on old maps
- added new clan banners
- added moveable barrels of gunpowder, which explode when ignited or shot at ("spr_blackpowder_barrel")
- added new explosion effects and sounds
- added prop functionality to some doors using VAR parameters (setting hp in scene editor, adding damage filter)
- cannon ammo amount is now stored properly when packing/unpacking and transporting
- nerfed grapeshot cannon ammo
- AI should no longer be using broken melee weapons if they have undamaged weapons
- AI hussars will switch to swords when dismounted or being dehorsed
- fixed turkish-only music track plaing also for other factions
- added few modular scene props
- fixed a bug allowing to start bracing pikes during a jump
- fixed a bug allowing to "hide" an attack with X "charge" animation
- fixed personal/squad banner changing itself when dropping/picking-up
- fixed polls for bot number not working sometimes
- "reduce static mist" mod option replaced with "remove static mist"
- fixed sound of circling buzzards being too frequent and annoying
- pallisade and wood wall heaps are now correctly reset on round change, fixed missing use-texts
- fixed wrong HP on some doors after round change
- fixed bug with cannons being impossible to repair if they were left destroyed in previous round
Admin stuff:
- finished adding Admin Panel hints (also in polish)
- "Organized Battles" admin option now also allows to use special troops (engineers, generals...) in deathmatch and team deatchmatch modes
- added admin panel option and dedicated server command to turn off/on troop limits
- added admin panel option to auto-remove dropped banners
- dropped banners can also be removed manually by admin using "removebanners" command in F9 console
- fixed some F9 console commands not working properly
- added "reset" F9 console command for remaining game types (Sea Battles and Invasion)
- edited many flora textures for full antialiasing support and better performance
- fixed some minor problems with some textures
- fixed semi-transparent bark on few trees
- fixed squash_plant not disappearing during winter
- fixed white texture bugs on scene props "stone_1" to "stone_7"
- fixed holes in hussar armors
- tweaked most of player banners for better contrast-saturation
- tweaked lightning colors during thunderstorms
Game Modes:
- fixed broken spawns in Domination + added some tweaks and maps
- Domination flags can no longer be pulled down by mounted units
- added option to use Native bot command system instead of the new one
- fixed some issues with Duels and Duel rankings
- player's squad standard bearer now wields correct (player) banner
- player bots now respawn during supply rounds (if player has enough money)
- fixed players not getting gold for killing bots
- fixed wrong bot type spawned in squad when player is Commonwealth's Hajduk or Mercenary Pikeman
Sea Battles:
- fixed admin panel crashes
- fixed spawns at wrong positions (in the water)
- fixed a bug with all battle troops available after changing factions
- fixed not being able to spawn after choosing canoneer troop
- fixed musketeer and pikeman troops not getting armors or equipment
- Lion Pinnace is now playable in captains mode
- Full-Rigged Pinnace is now playable in captains mode
- fixed ship availability depending on map in captains mode
- improved camera controls while steering a ship (smoother movement for arrow keys, added mouse support)
- new option in Mod Options to turn off mouse camera controls for Sea Battles (to fix problems with game in windowed mode)
- fixed models and collision meshes of some ships
- added 3 more sea battle maps
- fixed missing sound when cannoball hits a ship
- fixed some player status indicators (eg. walking icon) not being shown
- added all missing troop information on troop selection screen
- added missing spyglass to Tatar's Bey
- Common Tatar and Kazan Tatar have only 1 javelin pack now
- nerfed health of most of the Cossacks (-1 Ironflesh)
- swedish national troops now have proper swedish wams' instead of german ones
- improved shooting skill and agility of Swedish Dragoons, Musketeers and Mercenary Musketeers
- improved one-handed skill of Swedish Reiters and National Reiters
- removed burgonets from Swedish national pikemen
- added more Scotish outfits and armors to Swedish mercenary infantry
- removed shield skill from all troops
- added Rondartschier troop to Holy Roman Empire and removed shields from pikemen
- removed two-handed swords from Imperial pikemen
- removed tartan from Imperial musketeers
- removed helmets and breastplates from Polish Reiters (making them light cavalry)
- removed breastplates and shields from Polish pikemen
- improved fighting skills and reduced shooting skill of Cossacks' Infantryman
- improved shooting skill of Cossacks' Registered Infantryman
- removed polerams from Cossacks' Registered Infantryman
- improved Cossack Donskoy's shooting accuracy
- fixed those random items which were bugged and causing issues
- fixed basic hussar armor LOD colors
- dropped, unlit grenades can now be picked up again
- lowered price of blunderbuss
- increased price of grenades
- changed price of Muscotive National Cavalry armors
- lowered price of Deli shields
- fixed a bug causing round not ending if someone was killed while holding a lit grenade
- fixed a glitch with hiding grenade while throwing it
- nerfed free Reiter pistols
- fixed parring daggers' text saying they can't be used to block
- adjusted some weapon speeds
- broken long pikes can no longer be used while on horse
- fixed wrong scabbard for combined sword-pistol
- fixed granade launcher bugs