Download Error - "Acess Denied"

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
When I start to make the checkout. It downloads at 2kb speed for 5 seconds. Then it stops, and says the error is "Acess Denied"

Any help?
If 1257 is in C:/Program files SVN may not have the access , try to place your Mount'&'Blade file in D:/ something.

Sorry for the bad english but i'm french and I try to help.
Thanks. I will try it and let you know something  :mrgreen:


It is now downloading. Thanks a lot bro! I am now able to play the awsomeness.
For future references, you could just give yourself Full Control to the Program Files folder.
That'll also fix it for any other programs that might have the same issue.
To give yourself Full Control, do the following (Assuming that you're using Windows 7:

* Right click the Program Files folder, and select Properties
* Click the Security tab
* Click the Edit button
* Click the Add button
* Type your login name, and click Check Name. It should change the name to YourComputerName\YourLoginName and become underlined.
* Click OK
* Highlight your login name in the list
* Tick the Allow field for Full Control
* Click OK until all windows are closed again.

One Question , with all these frequent updates and starting a new game , doesnt it annoy or making you upset to start all over again all the time ?
Noble_Man_BoB said:
why can i not tick the box and how do i do make it tick able

You can't tick the "Full Control" box?
Perhaps your login is not an administrator? Do you share the computer with other people?
Try opening the Control Panel --> User Accounts. It should start on your currently logged in user, if not select your login.
Then click "Change your account type" and check if it's listed as a Standard User, in stead of an Administrator.

DerFührer said:
One Question , with all these frequent updates and starting a new game , doesnt it annoy or making you upset to start all over again all the time ?
You don't HAVE to upgrade each time there's an upgrade. Just play, and wait to upgrade until you're prepared to start again. :smile:
Nah. I just import my character and start on a new kingdom. Sometimes with a new role  :mrgreen:  I find it very awsome to quickly get a giant mercenary party and take over of one of the small kingdoms that only have like 1 city and a couple castles.
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