downhill charge with couched lance

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The way couched lances work in this game creates quite a problem for charging downhill with a lance. I think you should be able to control how high/low the lance is aimed.

Or if not that, they should change how the lance aims itself. Right now, from what i can tell, it just always aims parallel to the ground (assuming the ground is flat). So if you're going downhill, the lance doesn't point down with the direction of your character and the horse. It just points straight out and makes it almost impossible to hit someone with a couched lance if you're going downhill.
a suggestion only gets implemented after, 1. the topic gets so big that the makers cant ignore it
2. its repeated so many times that searching for it blows up your computer.
in conclusion i support re-addressing ideas
[on topic] good idea, could be controlled by where you look like the rest of the fighting but i like how jousting is unique, and shoud probaly stay different from the other weapon styles
Another thing about couched lance (which most probably already have been discussed) is the way it doesn't take relative speed into account enough.
If you're chasing someone who's about as fast as you and only touch him with the lance you'll get couched lance damage.
I don't think i've ever got as high damage this way as in a head on pass though, so some sort of relative speed sensor is in there. But you shouldn't do 30-40 damage when you barely touch someone.
if you do 30-40 when you barely touch someone, i'm guessing you do like 200 normally and are very high level. 30-40 is a very small fraction of what you usualy hit for if you hit them head-on. I do around 14-20 damage if they're running away and i just poke them in the back. Considering I can do 150 if they aren't running away, and even my crappy noob scimitar can easily do 50-60 damage, I don't think 20 damage is that much.
Yep, it really not much.

Lancing is really powerful from the front as it should be.

In general, lancing terrain shouldn't be hilly. If it's hilly, switch to a trusty 2Her.

Actually, downhill lancing not working is fine. When you are careening off the hill, you don't have much control.
By the way, you can control the vertical target of a couched lance, the same way as when swinging a weapon. Look up/down and the lances' target will shift accordingly. You can lance just a rider's horse like this, or put a few yards of wood through his skull.

I don't know if you can depress the angle enough to his someone going downhill, though. I've never managed it.
It's seriously hard even in real life on a steep slope.

You'll be putting all your effort to make sure that your horsie doesn't end up a broken heap at the bottom of the hill with you in the same condition.
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