The item editor only reads the item_kinds1.txt file, which is going to be in the main folder of whatever mod you're using.
Other than that, I'm afraid I'm short of information... not actually being familiar with the mods you're running. Haha, I just saw that someone asked for a link that I happened to have bookmarked.
But here's my best guess on what you can do.
First off, make a copy of your native module. Do this by going to your main Mount and Blade directory, open on the modules folder, copy the one that says native, paste it there, and call it something else.
Put your BRF files in the Resource folder, which you'll see along with several other subdirectories in your new copy of native.
Then open the Textures folder, and throw all your textures in there.
Now open your module.ini file (that's what it means by module_info.txt. I don't know why - older version thing probably)
Here you're gonna make two changes. One, possibly. Once you've got the file open with notepad, search for the text "scan_module_textures"
When you find it, make sure the line reads "scan_module_textures = 1"
If it's zero or anything else, just turn it to one and you'll be fine. In my native it's already set at 1 for some reason.
Next change is to get it to load your BRFs. Search for "load_resource"
Now under the last line of load_resource = whatever, add the following code:
load_mod_resource = (name of brf, without extension)
And by (name of brf, without extension), I mean just that. Here's an example from my mod's .ini:
load_resource = uni_jump
load_resource = uni_stances
load_resource = uni_equip
load_resource = uni_strike
load_resource = uni_throws
load_resource = uni_fistswing
#load_resource = uni_tavern_stand
load_resource = uni_lord_stand
load_resource = uni_defence
load_resource = uni_sideways
load_mod_resource = hook_weapons
load_mod_resource = enlarged_throw
If the mod didn't come with its own item_kinds1.txt, you probably will have to make the new items. If it did, though, you can probably just replace the one in your copy of native with it. If not, though, you will have to use the item editor (quite easy) and you'll need a program like BRF Edit to look examine what's actually in all those BRF files. If need be I can probably help you with that as well, assuming all this mess I just typed above is what you actually needed, haha.