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OKAY, now that i hove your attention:

we definetly need a bigger search button on this forum, since no body seems to see it. (i admit to forgetting about it also, i also have posted topics about things in the past...)

maybe, instead of just "search, it could be "Topic Search" and when you mouse over it a little box pops up explaining this "This option allows you to search for previous topics"
That has to be the first time I have ever heard that idea, EVER. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad idea at all but... it's not that people don't know that the search button exists, it's that they just don't want to use it.

To answer your question how I think you wanted it answered tho, it's not possible on this kind of board.
Make a thread about using the search button and name it "Don't Look Here!"

that tends to work better. :wink:
Maybe when you click the NEW TOPIC button it takes you to the search screen. Then there could be a POST ANYWAY button.
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