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Besides buying a key, is there any way to make a formal donation? I've searched the forums for 'donation' but didn't find relevant information.

I know games such as WWII Online took donations on tiered level system, and gave donors recognition ingame (via engraved monuments). I'm not looking for any recognition, but I'd definately like to support this game.

No other game has captured the basic elements that I look for in a game. Its a complete breath of fresh air. To me, this game, even in its unfinished state, beats all major titles hands down. And take a HUGE THANK YOU for not including fantasy elements.

I'm not a numbers junky or even a graphics junky, so the 'level' system is okay in a single player environment, and the graphics are excellent in that they convey exactly what they mean to (I'm so happy to play a game where using my sword doesn't involve a screen full of particle effects).

As far as multi-player, I'd rather not, but that's my choice....besides, I'm sure you don't want all my soldiers gaining access to the forums and make a zillion posts about how much I kill-steal from them...

But, back on topic, let me know if a donation situation is possible...there may be a Donate Now! button somewhere that someone can point out that will make me feel foolish for missing...

Thanks, and well-played.
I want to know this too, because as much as I appreciate the low $12 fee I feel compelled to offer more, the craftsmanship and love in this game puts it far and away above many games released today with a massive development team and a million dollar budget.
NikkTheTrick said:
Send the money via PayPal with a comment that it is a donation...

Though that is an option, I'm lazy, cancelled my PayPal account, and don't want to reactivate it unless there is no other recourse...I was hoping for a more direct line like when I registered in the first place...
Well, realistically it doesn't cost them anything if you buy the game... there's no product cost that increases based on how many copies they've sold. So, buying a few extra keys would do the exact same thing as giving a donation, with the added bonus of perhaps being able to give them to friends who wouldn't have bought it otherwise but might help spread the word, or maybe even have a contest on this forum or something... with a serial prize.

just a thought.
Yes, I'd like to donate too! But I just don't have a creditcard >_<, so I hope it can be done in other ways.
Schmea said:
Well, realistically it doesn't cost them anything if you buy the game... there's no product cost that increases based on how many copies they've sold. So, buying a few extra keys would do the exact same thing as giving a donation, with the added bonus of perhaps being able to give them to friends who wouldn't have bought it otherwise but might help spread the word, or maybe even have a contest on this forum or something... with a serial prize.

just a thought.
I like this idea.
Raz said:
Yes, I'd like to donate too! But I just don't have a creditcard >_<, so I hope it can be done in other ways.

I think Paypal is available. Alternatively, you may write Armagan whether he accepts an international money order or a wire transfer.
Im not begging.......well i guess i kinda am.........but still.........if you dont care YOU ARE COLD HEARTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 :lol:
No I'm not. Not giving some guy a serial key for a game doesn't make me cold hearted, if anything at all it makes me selfish with my money and still, that doesn't apply here. If I knew you in real life, I'd do it, but I don't.
You do technically know this is real life don't you? Just we don't know eachother in person :razz:
I think I am the only one actually begging right now anyway.......and you do know the mods would deleat the posts if i get it.....
^ heh

You guys should put in some triggered sentence so if someone posts a message with the sentence "Give me a serial key" they get redirected to a page with Big letters saying:

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