Resolved Donated XP is applied incorrectly to troops

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Version number
Yes, I used mods.


The donation perks, Paid in Promise and Giving Hands, allow players to donate items that results in XP being added to their party's troops. However, the process of applying the donated XP is flawed. When distributing the XP, it always subtracts the full upgrade cost, ignoring the XP the troop already has. This results in not all troops being ready for upgrade when donating the maximum that the inventory screen allows. It also does not handle leftover xp properly.

Bug present since before 1.0.0.

How to Reproduce:
Bug when troops have experience:

  1. Have a donation perk
  2. Have two troops in party where one has non-zero XP
  3. Donate the max amount the inventory screen allows
  4. Observe the last troop not being ready for upgrade
Other edge cases exists and are shown using tests below.

The cause:
I debugged the code and found the origin of the issues in CampaignSystem.Helpers.MobilePartyHelper.PartyAddSharedXp. This is the current code:
public static void PartyAddSharedXp(MobileParty party, float xpToDistribute)
  TroopRoster memberRoster = party.MemberRoster;
  PartyTroopUpgradeModel troopUpgradeModel = Campaign.Current.Models.PartyTroopUpgradeModel;
  int num = 0;
  for (int index = 0; index < memberRoster.Count; ++index)
    TroopRosterElement elementCopyAtIndex = memberRoster.GetElementCopyAtIndex(index);
    if (troopUpgradeModel.CanTroopGainXp(party.Party, elementCopyAtIndex.Character))
      num += MobilePartyHelper.GetShareWeight(ref elementCopyAtIndex);
  for (int index = 0; index < memberRoster.Count && (double) xpToDistribute >= 1.0 && num > 0; ++index)
    TroopRosterElement elementCopyAtIndex = memberRoster.GetElementCopyAtIndex(index);
    if (troopUpgradeModel.CanTroopGainXp(party.Party, elementCopyAtIndex.Character))
      int shareWeight = MobilePartyHelper.GetShareWeight(ref elementCopyAtIndex);
      int xpAmount = MathF.Floor(xpToDistribute * (float) shareWeight / (float) num);
      memberRoster.AddXpToTroopAtIndex(xpAmount, index);
      xpToDistribute -= (float) xpAmount;
      num -= shareWeight;

The function in its current state does not handle existing xp and does not handle leftover xp properly. I made my own version and made tests to expose the edge cases that the original function fails to handle.

class TroopInfo {

    public int MaxGainableXp { get; set; }

    public int MemberRosterIndex { get; set; }

    public int Weight { get; set; }

public static void PartyAddSharedXp(MobileParty party, float xpToDistribute) {
    TroopRoster memberRoster = party.MemberRoster;
    PartyTroopUpgradeModel troopUpgradeModel = Campaign.Current.Models.PartyTroopUpgradeModel;
    int totalXpToDistribute = (int)xpToDistribute;

    float totalShares = 0;
    var troopsWithXpToGain = new List<TroopInfo>();

    for (int index = 0; index < memberRoster.Count; ++index) {
        TroopRosterElement troop = memberRoster.GetElementCopyAtIndex(index);

        if (!troopUpgradeModel.IsTroopUpgradeable(party.Party, troop.Character)) {

        var upgradeCost = troop.Character.UpgradeTargets
            .Select(upgradeTarget => troopUpgradeModel.GetXpCostForUpgrade(party.Party, troop.Character, upgradeTarget))

        var maxGainableXp = troop.Number * upgradeCost - troop.Xp;
        if (maxGainableXp <= 0) {

        var weight = MobilePartyHelper.GetShareWeight(ref troop);

        troopsWithXpToGain.Add(new TroopInfo {
            MaxGainableXp = maxGainableXp,
            MemberRosterIndex = index,
            Weight = weight,
        totalShares += weight;

    bool hasAnyTroopBeenMaxed = true;
    while (totalXpToDistribute > 0 && hasAnyTroopBeenMaxed) {
        hasAnyTroopBeenMaxed = false;

        int xpRemaining = totalXpToDistribute;
        int decreaseShares = 0;

        for (int index = 0; index < troopsWithXpToGain.Count; index++) {
            var troopInfo = troopsWithXpToGain[index];
            float shareWeight = troopInfo.Weight / totalShares;
            // Get the maximum xp that can be given to the troop. Cannot be more than share or remaining xp allows
            int awardedXp = Math.Min(MathF.Floor(totalXpToDistribute * shareWeight), xpRemaining);

            if (awardedXp >= troopInfo.MaxGainableXp) {
                awardedXp = troopInfo.MaxGainableXp;
                decreaseShares += troopInfo.Weight;
                hasAnyTroopBeenMaxed = true;

            memberRoster.AddXpToTroopAtIndex(awardedXp, troopInfo.MemberRosterIndex);
            troopInfo.MaxGainableXp -= awardedXp;
            xpRemaining -= awardedXp;

        totalShares -= decreaseShares;
        totalXpToDistribute = xpRemaining;

    // Distribute leftover xp, needed to deal with rounding errors
    int leftoverDistributionIndex = 0;
    while (totalXpToDistribute > 0 && leftoverDistributionIndex < troopsWithXpToGain.Count) {
        var troopInfo = troopsWithXpToGain[leftoverDistributionIndex++];
        var xpToAward = Math.Min(troopInfo.MaxGainableXp, totalXpToDistribute);
        memberRoster.AddXpToTroopAtIndex(xpToAward, troopInfo.MemberRosterIndex);
        totalXpToDistribute -= xpToAward;

using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

/// <summary>
/// Test multiple different scenarios that PartyAddSharedXp should be able to handle. The OriginalTroopXpDistributor
/// is the function that can be found in game with the Bannerlord specific code removed. The FixedTroopXpDistributor
/// is my own proposal that handles the edge cases that the original fails at.
/// Change the _distributor field to test the fixed or original version.
/// </summary>
public class PartyAddSharedXpTests {
    // Switch between OriginalTroopXpDistributor and FixedTroopXpDistributor
    private readonly TroopXpDistributor _distributor = new OriginalTroopXpDistributor();

    public void DistributesASingleXp() {
        var troops = new List<Troop> {
            new Troop { Tier = 1, Amount = 1, UpgradeCost = 50, Xp = 0 },
            new Troop { Tier = 1, Amount = 1, UpgradeCost = 50, Xp = 0 },

        _distributor.DistributeXP(1, troops);

        Assert.Multiple(() => {
            // Original gives one xp less to first and one more to second, this is fine
            Assert.AreEqual(1, troops[0].Xp);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, troops[1].Xp);

    public void HandlesAFullXpTroop() {
        var troops = new List<Troop> {
            new Troop { Tier = 1, Amount = 10, UpgradeCost = 100, Xp = 1000 },
            new Troop { Tier = 1, Amount = 5, UpgradeCost = 100, Xp = 0 },
            new Troop { Tier = 1, Amount = 5, UpgradeCost = 100, Xp = 0 },

        _distributor.DistributeXP(100, troops);

        Assert.Multiple(() => {
            Assert.AreEqual(1000, troops[0].Xp);
            Assert.AreEqual(50, troops[1].Xp);
            Assert.AreEqual(50, troops[2].Xp);

    public void DistributingMaxXpWithSameTierSameCostInexperiencedTroopsShouldMaxThemAll() {
        var troops = new List<Troop> {
            new Troop { Tier = 1, Amount = 1, UpgradeCost = 50, Xp = 0 },
            new Troop { Tier = 1, Amount = 1, UpgradeCost = 50, Xp = 0 },

        _distributor.DistributeXP(100, troops);

        Assert.Multiple(() => {
            Assert.AreEqual(50, troops[0].Xp);
            Assert.AreEqual(50, troops[1].Xp);

    public void DistributingMaxXpWithSameTierDifferentCostInexperiencedTroopsShouldMaxThemAll() {
        var troops = new List<Troop> {
            new Troop { Tier = 1, Amount = 1, UpgradeCost = 50, Xp = 0 },
            new Troop { Tier = 1, Amount = 1, UpgradeCost = 100, Xp = 0 },

        _distributor.DistributeXP(150, troops);

        // Original discards leftover xp
        Assert.Multiple(() => {
            Assert.AreEqual(50, troops[0].Xp);
            Assert.AreEqual(100, troops[1].Xp);

    public void DistributingMaxXpWithMixedTierInexperiencedTroopsShouldMaxThemAll() {
        var troops = new List<Troop> {
            new Troop { Tier = 1, Amount = 1, UpgradeCost = 50, Xp = 0 },
            new Troop { Tier = 2, Amount = 1, UpgradeCost = 100, Xp = 0 },

        _distributor.DistributeXP(150, troops);

        Assert.Multiple(() => {
            Assert.AreEqual(50, troops[0].Xp);
            Assert.AreEqual(100, troops[1].Xp);

    public void DistributingMaxXpWithExperiencedTroopsShouldMaxThemAll() {
        var troops = new List<Troop> {
            new Troop { Tier = 1, Amount = 1, UpgradeCost = 50, Xp = 25 },
            new Troop { Tier = 1, Amount = 1, UpgradeCost = 100, Xp = 5 },

        _distributor.DistributeXP(120, troops);

        Assert.Multiple(() => {
            Assert.AreEqual(50, troops[0].Xp);
            Assert.AreEqual(100, troops[1].Xp);

    public void DistributingMaxXpWithMixedExperiencedTroopsShouldMaxThemAll() {
        var troops = new List<Troop> {
            new Troop { Tier = 1, Amount = 3, UpgradeCost = 50, Xp = 25 },
            new Troop { Tier = 2, Amount = 3, UpgradeCost = 100, Xp = 10 },
            new Troop { Tier = 4, Amount = 3, UpgradeCost = 1000, Xp = 500 },

        _distributor.DistributeXP(2915, troops);

        Assert.Multiple(() => {
            Assert.AreEqual(troops[0].UpgradeCost * troops[0].Amount, troops[0].Xp);
            Assert.AreEqual(troops[1].UpgradeCost * troops[1].Amount, troops[1].Xp);
            Assert.AreEqual(troops[2].UpgradeCost * troops[2].Amount, troops[2].Xp);

    public void DistributingSomeXpWithSameTierSameAmountInexperiencedTroopsShouldApplyCorrectly() {
        var troops = new List<Troop> {
            new Troop { Tier = 1, Amount = 1, UpgradeCost = 100, Xp = 0 },
            new Troop { Tier = 1, Amount = 1, UpgradeCost = 100, Xp = 0 },

        _distributor.DistributeXP(100, troops);

        Assert.Multiple(() => {
            Assert.AreEqual(50, troops[0].Xp);
            Assert.AreEqual(50, troops[1].Xp);

    public void DistributingSomeXpWithSameTierDifferentAmountInexperiencedTroopsShouldApplyCorrectly() {
        var troops = new List<Troop> {
            new Troop { Tier = 1, Amount = 10, UpgradeCost = 100, Xp = 0 },
            new Troop { Tier = 1, Amount = 90, UpgradeCost = 100, Xp = 0 },

        _distributor.DistributeXP(100, troops);

        Assert.Multiple(() => {
            // The original is off by one here
            Assert.AreEqual(10, troops[0].Xp);
            Assert.AreEqual(90, troops[1].Xp);

    public void DistributingSomeXpWithDifferentTierDifferentAmountInexperiencedTroopsShouldApplyCorrectly() {
        var troops = new List<Troop> {
            new Troop { Tier = 2, Amount = 5, UpgradeCost = 50, Xp = 0 },
            new Troop { Tier = 9, Amount = 10, UpgradeCost = 100, Xp = 0 },

        _distributor.DistributeXP(100, troops);

        Assert.Multiple(() => {
            Assert.AreEqual(10, troops[0].Xp);
            Assert.AreEqual(90, troops[1].Xp);

    public void DistributingSomeXpWithSameTierExperiencedTroopsShouldApplyCorrectly() {
        var troops = new List<Troop> {
            new Troop { Tier = 1, Amount = 10, UpgradeCost = 100, Xp = 99 },
            new Troop { Tier = 1, Amount = 90, UpgradeCost = 100, Xp = 0 },

        _distributor.DistributeXP(100, troops);

        Assert.Multiple(() => {
            // The original is off by one here
            Assert.AreEqual(10 + 99, troops[0].Xp);
            Assert.AreEqual(90, troops[1].Xp);

    public void DistributingSomeXpWithMixedExperiencedTroopsShouldApplyCorrectly() {
        var troops = new List<Troop> {
            new Troop { Tier = 2, Amount = 5, UpgradeCost = 100, Xp = 25 },
            new Troop { Tier = 9, Amount = 10, UpgradeCost = 1000, Xp = 80 },

        _distributor.DistributeXP(100, troops);

        Assert.Multiple(() => {
            Assert.AreEqual(35, troops[0].Xp);
            Assert.AreEqual(170, troops[1].Xp);

    public void DistributedXpShouldBeWeighted() {
        var troops = new List<Troop> {
            new Troop { Tier = 1, Amount = 10, UpgradeCost = 100, Xp = 50 },
            new Troop { Tier = 2, Amount = 5, UpgradeCost = 275, Xp = 25 }

        _distributor.DistributeXP(100, troops);

        Assert.Multiple(() => {
            Assert.AreEqual(100, troops[0].Xp);
            Assert.AreEqual(75, troops[1].Xp);

    public void DistributedXpShouldBeWeightedWithFianAndFalxMan() {
        var troops = new List<Troop> {
            new Troop { Tier = 5, Amount = 1, UpgradeCost = 1700, Xp = 0 },
            new Troop { Tier = 4, Amount = 1, UpgradeCost = 1300, Xp = 0 }

        _distributor.DistributeXP(2400, troops);

        Assert.Multiple(() => {
            // Original gives one xp less to first and one more to second, this is fine
            Assert.AreEqual(1334, troops[0].Xp);
            Assert.AreEqual(1066, troops[1].Xp);

    public void ShouldEndWhenXpIsLeftoverAndNotOverAdd() {
        var troops = new List<Troop> { new Troop { Tier = 1, Amount = 1, UpgradeCost = 100, Xp = 0 }, };

        _distributor.DistributeXP(1000, troops);

        Assert.AreEqual(100, troops[0].Xp);

    public void DistributesComplexExample() {
        var troops = new List<Troop> {
            new() { Tier = 5, Amount = 7, UpgradeCost = 100, Xp = 55 },
            new() { Tier = 3, Amount = 7, UpgradeCost = 33, Xp = 66 },
            new() { Tier = 4, Amount = 7, UpgradeCost = 22, Xp = 48 },
            new() { Tier = 7, Amount = 1, UpgradeCost = 18, Xp = 5 },

        _distributor.DistributeXP(1500, troops);

        Assert.Multiple(() => {
            Assert.AreEqual(7 * 100, troops[0].Xp);
            Assert.AreEqual(7 * 33, troops[1].Xp);
            Assert.AreEqual(7 * 22, troops[2].Xp);
            Assert.AreEqual(1 * 18, troops[3].Xp);

    public void HandlesComplexSharesCorrectlyWithExistingExperience() {
        var troops = new List<Troop> {
            new() { Tier = 5, Amount = 7, UpgradeCost = 100, Xp = 55 },
            new() { Tier = 3, Amount = 7, UpgradeCost = 33, Xp = 66 },

        _distributor.DistributeXP(708, troops);

        Assert.Multiple(() => {
            Assert.AreEqual(598, troops[0].Xp);
            Assert.AreEqual(7 * 33, troops[1].Xp);

    public void HandlesSharesCorrectlyWithExistingExperience() {
        var troops = new List<Troop> {
            new() { Tier = 5, Amount = 3, UpgradeCost = 1500, Xp = 550 },
            new() { Tier = 3, Amount = 3, UpgradeCost = 1300, Xp = 667 },

        _distributor.DistributeXP(7000, troops);

        Assert.Multiple(() => {
            Assert.AreEqual(4500, troops[0].Xp);
            Assert.AreEqual(3717, troops[1].Xp);

    public void SmallWeightsShouldNotResultInLostExperience() {
        var troops = new List<Troop> {
            new() { Tier = 6, Amount = 500, UpgradeCost = 1700, Xp = 500 * 1700 },
            new() { Tier = 1, Amount = 1, UpgradeCost = 1500, Xp = 0 },

        _distributor.DistributeXP(1500, troops);

        Assert.Multiple(() => {
            Assert.AreEqual(500 * 1700, troops[0].Xp);
            Assert.AreEqual(1500, troops[1].Xp);

    public void CompareToFixedDistributor() {
        // Easy-of-use function to compare output of current distributor (see _distributor) with the fixed version.
        var testCases = new List<TestCase> {
            new() {
                Troops = () => new List<Troop> {
                    new() { Tier = 1, Amount = 5, UpgradeCost = 1500, Xp = 0 },
                    new() { Tier = 6, Amount = 3, UpgradeCost = 1300, Xp = 0 },
                XpToDistribute = 10183,
            new() {
                Troops = () => new List<Troop> {
                    new() { Tier = 5, Amount = 7, UpgradeCost = 100, Xp = 55 },
                    new() { Tier = 3, Amount = 7, UpgradeCost = 33, Xp = 66 },
                    new() { Tier = 4, Amount = 7, UpgradeCost = 22, Xp = 48 },
                    new() { Tier = 7, Amount = 1, UpgradeCost = 18, Xp = 5 },
                XpToDistribute = 1500,
            new() {
                Troops = () => new List<Troop> {
                    new() { Tier = 5, Amount = 7, UpgradeCost = 100, Xp = 55 },
                    new() { Tier = 3, Amount = 7, UpgradeCost = 33, Xp = 66 },
                    new() { Tier = 4, Amount = 7, UpgradeCost = 22, Xp = 48 },
                    new() { Tier = 7, Amount = 1, UpgradeCost = 18, Xp = 5 },
                XpToDistribute = 1500,

        var fixedDistributor = new FixedTroopXpDistributor();
        var originalDistributor = _distributor;

        foreach (TestCase testCase in testCases) {
            var fixedTroops = testCase.Troops();
            fixedDistributor.DistributeXP(testCase.XpToDistribute, fixedTroops);

            var originalTroops = testCase.Troops();
            originalDistributor.DistributeXP(testCase.XpToDistribute, originalTroops);
            Assert.That(originalTroops.Select(t => t.Xp), Is.EquivalentTo(fixedTroops.Select(t => t.Xp)));

public class Troop {
    public int Amount { get; set; }

    public int UpgradeCost { get; set; }

    public int Tier { get; set; }

    public int Xp { get; set; }

public abstract class TroopXpDistributor {
    public abstract void DistributeXP(int totalXpToDistribute, List<Troop> troops);

    public int GetTroopWeight(Troop troop) {
        return troop.Tier * troop.Amount;

    public static int Floor(float f) => (int)Math.Floor((double)f);

/// <summary>
/// Version found in game without any Bannerlord specifics such as MemberRoster.
/// </summary>
public class OriginalTroopXpDistributor : TroopXpDistributor {
    public override void DistributeXP(int totalXpToDistribute, List<Troop> troops) {
        int totalShares = 0;

        foreach (var troop in troops) {
            totalShares += this.GetTroopWeight(troop);

        for (int index = 0; index < troops.Count && totalXpToDistribute >= 1.0 && totalShares > 0; index++) {
            Troop troop = troops[index];
            var shareWeight = this.GetTroopWeight(troop);

            int xpAmount = Floor(totalXpToDistribute * (float)shareWeight / (float)totalShares);
            troop.Xp += xpAmount;

            totalXpToDistribute -= xpAmount;
            totalShares -= shareWeight;

/// <summary>
/// Handle edge cases with the simplest code to comprehend and the least amount of resources, both memory and
/// execution time.
/// </summary>
public class FixedTroopXpDistributor : TroopXpDistributor {
    class TroopInfo {
        public Troop Troop { get; set; }
        public int Weight { get; set; }
        public int MaxGainableXp { get; set; }

    public override void DistributeXP(int totalXpToDistribute, List<Troop> troops) {
        float totalShares = 0;
        var troopsWithXpToGain = new List<TroopInfo>();

        foreach (var troop in troops) {
            var maxGainableXp = troop.Amount * troop.UpgradeCost - troop.Xp;
            if (maxGainableXp == 0) {

            var weight = this.GetTroopWeight(troop);

            troopsWithXpToGain.Add(new TroopInfo { Troop = troop, MaxGainableXp = maxGainableXp, Weight = weight, });
            totalShares += weight;

        bool hasAnyTroopBeenMaxed = true;
        while (totalXpToDistribute > 0 && hasAnyTroopBeenMaxed) {
            hasAnyTroopBeenMaxed = false;

            int xpRemaining = totalXpToDistribute;
            int decreaseShares = 0;

            for (int index = 0; index < troopsWithXpToGain.Count; index++) {
                var troopInfo = troopsWithXpToGain[index];
                float shareWeight = troopInfo.Weight / totalShares;
                // Get the maximum xp that can be given to the troop. Cannot be more than share or remaining xp allows
                int awardedXp = Math.Min(Floor(totalXpToDistribute * shareWeight), xpRemaining);

                if (awardedXp >= troopInfo.MaxGainableXp) {
                    awardedXp = troopInfo.MaxGainableXp;
                    decreaseShares += troopInfo.Weight;
                    hasAnyTroopBeenMaxed = true;

                troopInfo.Troop.Xp += awardedXp;
                troopInfo.MaxGainableXp -= awardedXp;
                xpRemaining -= awardedXp;

            totalShares -= decreaseShares;
            totalXpToDistribute = xpRemaining;

        // Distribute leftover xp, needed to deal with rounding errors
        int leftoverDistributionIndex = 0;
        while (totalXpToDistribute > 0 && leftoverDistributionIndex < troopsWithXpToGain.Count) {
            var troopInfo = troopsWithXpToGain[leftoverDistributionIndex++];
            var xpToAward = Math.Min(troopInfo.MaxGainableXp, totalXpToDistribute);
            troopInfo.Troop.Xp += xpToAward;
            totalXpToDistribute -= xpToAward;

/// <summary>
/// Used in CompareToFixedDistributor.
/// </summary>
class TestCase {
    public Func<List<Troop>> Troops { get; set; }

    public int XpToDistribute { get; set; }
  Expected: equivalent to < 6283, 3900 >
    But was:  < 2213, 7970 >

  Expected: 100
    But was:  50
  Expected: 75
    But was:  100

  Expected: 50
    But was:  85
  Expected: 100
    But was:  65

  Expected: 150
    But was:  441
 Expected: 300
    But was:  843

  Expected: 700
    But was:  576
  Expected: 231
    But was:  367
  Expected: 154
    But was:  542
  Expected: 18
    But was:  184

  Expected: 50
    But was:  60
  Expected: 100
    But was:  85

  Expected: 150
    But was:  416
  Expected: 300
    But was:  841

  Expected: 35
    But was:  10
  Expected: 170
    But was:  115

  Expected: 109
    But was:  10
  Expected: 90
    But was:  189

  Expected: 1000
    But was:  50
  Expected: 50
    But was:  525
  Expected: 50
    But was:  525

  Expected: 598
    But was:  442
  Expected: 231
    But was:  321

  Expected: 4500
    But was:  4375
  Expected: 3717
    But was:  3175

ShouldEndWhenXpIsLeftoverAndNotOverAdd (Not really an issue since it is clamped in AddXpToTroopAtIndex)
  Expected: 100
    But was:  1000

  Expected: 850000
    But was:  1499
  Expected: 1500
    But was:  850001

Have you used cheats and if so which: None
Last edited:
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