Does the BattleSizeChanger mod work with the new version?

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...Does it? I've started a new profile but haven't had any large battles yet. Still fighting River Prates actually. So, well, does it work?
I believe you will find the info you are looking for here.

The last page or two covers the new versions.

I *believe* that it does but as I am not currently using it I cannot say for sure.

Hope that helps,

With regards to the battlesize changer, i was wondering something. The standard max size in .702 is 40 units. But when i set the battlechanger to 200%, that max is only raised to 66 units. My question is, is it just being displayed incorrectly? Or is the changer just off by a bit and easily complensated for? I realize it's a minor point, just curious.
Yeah, it must just be displaying percents relative to the old unit maxes (from version .632). It still works though, so all is well, eh? :smile:
Well, yes yes...but my question is...when i set it at 200%, are there now 66 max units in a battle and the changer is just off, or are there actually 80 max units and its just displaying it incorrectly?
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