does every woman in the world have issues?

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lately, everytime I meet a girl and talk tot hem, it seems as if they all have some sort of issue. a few days ago a girl shocked me when we where talking, and she has everything a person could want, nice friends, she's rich (well her parents are) and she's good looking.

and we where talking and suddenly she said: I hate when people call me beautifull, yesterday I wanted to take a piece of glas and scratch my face open to make people stop calling me beautifull! so I went: "why? your not even that beautifull and most people like compliments" and she went: it helps me when people criticise me and call me ugmy or call my clothing ugly.

what I don't understand about this tough, is that she tries her best to look good, (and she does a fairly good job at that too) and allways goes for the extremely handsome type of guys. why for the love of god, would a girl with high standards who tries to look great hate to hear she's good looking and would actually like to hurt herself?
I have a friend who has tried to kill her sister, her sister has tried to kill her, she has contemplated cutting herself, running away, suicide, etc. SHe was taken advantage of sexualy before she reached puberty by a family friend's son (who is now a druggy). She rescued one of her best friends (or was a best friend for years) from commiting suicide in grade 7. Her last boyfriend was arrested after stalking her and threatning to rape her. I have noticed though she no longer hunches over and folds her arms to hide her femninity (sort of). She is now addicted to crack, (aka World of Warcraft).

Needless to say I am a little bit worried.
PrinceScamp said:
SHe was taken advantage of sexualy before she reached puberty.
this is what I'm suspecting in this case, as it turned out that every time I saw or heared of a woman with issues, it turned out that that woman was abused.

but I don't want to make a hasty conclusion tough, maybe this girl is simply weird
Stonewall382 said:
You're a chick?

He's only a chick on Wednesday and Fridays. On Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays he goes by the name of "Hans Geldhoff" and is a Canadian lumberjack. On Thursdays and Sundays he's a french minature poodle named Trixiebell.

Best you don't ask for anything more.
I quote from zoolander:

"there is more to life than being really, really good looking"

Dude....being happy isnt always relative to your looks, friends, or cash...there is slightly more.
Pffff wimmin, nothing but trouble with 'em. Best to just stay away from them I say!
Hmm same goes for men really...hell, my advice is to just stay away from people in general.

Hermitting for the win!
All women have "issues". If they don't have any of their own the adopt those of their friends and ***** about that. It seems to be indicative in their nature to habour problems and let them fester over time rather than dealing with them. Guys don't tend to do that as much. They are much more likely to say "screw that" or have a outbust thats over in a few minutes. Then move on.

In the OP's instance I'd suggest this is more a case of attention seeking than childhood abuse. She wants you to go "Oh, don't do that you're so beautiful." She wants your to be concerned for her.

I suggest that next time she mentions it, you smash a bottle, leap to your feet and scream "Let me cut you *****!".

After that I doubt she'll mention it again.
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