Does anyone know?

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I know there is an expansion for the game, and I know a lot about the multiplayer aspect, My question and I have searched the forum and have not found anything which doesn't surprise me to much but does anyone have any idea if players(us) can host dedicated servers?  I know it says we can make our own local server and play on the official, but does anyone know if we can have our own dedicated servers?  There are a few games out there were its not just a deathmatch ffa lol.  I know it would make having clans and guilds in the multiplayer community much easier but I have not heard anything about this has anyone else?
Meh, maybe because I saw no information on the official announcements I just gotta wait.  Pitty tho cuz having player hosted dedicated server this game could be the perfect FPS RPG meld online which is ideal for clans n guilds to have a system of rank etc, and to think its mainly because of the ability to sheath your weapon lol.
Their is ranks, you start at what ever class you want too be (so if your a Rhodok then Rhodok tribesman) then when you kill say 30 or so people you can upgrade too the next rank in the rhodoks
no no no I mean for them to have their own ranks and stuff not really based on how many kills you have on that server lol, but I'm just an RPG freak so I guess waiting in all do time.
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