does any one have skype

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Just as planned.
He's teasing you flavius. As seen by 
Alex_Augmented said:
omg whts ur addy lol

He put it in a sarcastic way, parodying the way you type! And do not fret of whether this was a good idea or not, since this is just a forum. Live and forget! Worse that can happen is some people hundreds of miles away from you hate you. And a locked thread.
dunno all i have to do with skype is make a account get some ones else details and you away with vent you need to do stuff with servers
flavius brutus said:
dunno all i have to do with skype is make a account get some ones else details and you away with vent you need to do stuff with servers

It's hardly complex. They practically draw you a diagram. A trained monkey could do it. Hell, an untrained monkey could do it.

What am I saying? You're right man, Vent is hella complex. Best keep away from it dude. It not only has servers, but channels!
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