Ancient Whale
Knight at Arms
Like the good boy that I am, I did a Search on the Suggestions forum about this. So if this has been suggested before, it's news to me(but nothing staggering, I would actually be surprised if no-one else has had this idea).
Anyway, my idea is that the Jump command could be made useful. As far as I know, it has basically no use at all for a footman. Riders can use it to jump over rocks, but footmen would gain nothing from that. Admittedly, it is seriously cool to jump up over a charging rider and kill him with your bastard sword in the air. I think the ability to dodge instead would improve the game. Basically, you would press space and move to either side simultaneously and your character would perform a quick "skip" in that direction. Heavily armored men would move little, perhaps one step, while a naked barbarian with 10 in athletics would leap to the side, land on his shoulders and roll back to his feet.
As it is now, the computer can quite easily dodge a charging lance by moving to either side and we puny humans with our slow reflexes can only ride by(unless we are lucky or the comp. makes a mistake). However, the computer can track us puny humans with infinite precision of their lance.
In short: Spacebar + strafe = dodge
Anyway, my idea is that the Jump command could be made useful. As far as I know, it has basically no use at all for a footman. Riders can use it to jump over rocks, but footmen would gain nothing from that. Admittedly, it is seriously cool to jump up over a charging rider and kill him with your bastard sword in the air. I think the ability to dodge instead would improve the game. Basically, you would press space and move to either side simultaneously and your character would perform a quick "skip" in that direction. Heavily armored men would move little, perhaps one step, while a naked barbarian with 10 in athletics would leap to the side, land on his shoulders and roll back to his feet.
As it is now, the computer can quite easily dodge a charging lance by moving to either side and we puny humans with our slow reflexes can only ride by(unless we are lucky or the comp. makes a mistake). However, the computer can track us puny humans with infinite precision of their lance.
In short: Spacebar + strafe = dodge