Do you need to have Python working to use the Module System?

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I have been playing M&B for a while now and decided to try modding.I was going to use the Official Module System to do this, but I have a Vista and the Python isn't working. It isn't coming up with the "Python not recognized as internal or external command........" error when you press build_module.bat, it just can't find the files. I can still edit the files, so will this cause problems later on or do i have to fix my error with the python.    Thx.
I guess its possible, but to fix your problems with python, you have to install mount&blade outside of program files somplace like C:Mount&Blade.  There is too much protection on vista for python to work inside program files
Thanks a lot. I didn't know that M&B had to be installed outside of the program files. Maybe I can get the python working now.
You also have to add C:/Python(whatever # your using) in envirorment varibles
This is the tutorial,35044.0.html
Red Baron: Yeah I followed that tutorial, couldn't figure what was wrong after working on it for over 6 hours, and then posted here.

Omzdog: I accidentaly installed v3.0 first, and then realized my mistake. Now I have v2.5.
Why do people always say it's vista's fault? Vista doesn't do anything. Everything is compatible with vista...

Anyway, I use the module system in program files, and I'm on vista. It works perfectly. And even better, I followed the tutorial for XP to get it to work... :roll:

So, Rammer, did you get it to work, because it's really simple, I wouldn't mind explaining.
MrRoy said:
Why do people always say it's vista's fault? Vista doesn't do anything. Everything is compatible with vista...

Anyway, I use the module system in program files, and I'm on vista. It works perfectly. And even better, I followed the tutorial for XP to get it to work... :roll:

Yes it is actually true that Vista is underestimated. A sort of bandwagoning has occurred among users who inflated the glitches that Vista has over XP.
I'm happy I could help Rammer.
I'm still getting the same error i had before yet the module system is working properly. I don't have a problem with vista. It just gets annoying with how much sidetracking you have to make to get stuff to work.  Also thanks for the help everyone.
Yes it is, but anyone who has a vista has to admit that there are a lot more. I had an XP (it got outdated) before my vista and the software was much easier to install.
Rammer said:
Yes it is, but anyone who has a vista has to admit that there are a lot more. I had an XP (it got outdated) before my vista and the software was much easier to install.
Vista (and Windows 7)'s security models suck hoary donky dung.  I'm all for shooting the nim-rod who thought them up, publicly, with much publicity about what happens when you foist something that horrible upon humanity (crimes against humanity) - maybe a new category of trials at the Hague: Corporate Crime (like war-crimes, but you get the idea).  Try folks that do this crud and throw em in prison as an example of what happens to someone that evil and cruel to his fellow people.

However, its quite simple to disable that sad-excuse-for-improved-security.  And once disabled, Vista (and W7) are *exactly* like XP in terms of user-(un)friendliness.  So whiners about Vista actually causing them problem have to be weighted against the obvious solution: disable the one thing that makes Vista horrible and hateful.  Its 100% compatible with every game I've ever tried to play on it, and its got a considerably better device driver model that reduces BSODs while retaining the performance of the old XP hacked & horrible device driver model (which was implemented to break all of the protection and stability that NT brought to the table for the sake of speed).

So now we have a DDM that is both fast & robust.  And there are plenty of UI improvements to recommend Vista over XP anyway, now that the bugs are fixed from the original release of Vista.

One of the hilarious things about all of the XP vs. Vista shennanigans and cries of "foul" is that folks forget what a stink was made of XP when it first came out and the process of finding and fixing its initial problems (which happens with every single OS release, and software release, pretty much everywhere and of all things in the world).
@Rammer- I had the same problem getting the Python to work with Vista so if all else fails you can try putting all of the Python files directly into the Module System. It's kind of a pain in the ass to do each time but it definitely works.
Don't worry I already solved it. It turns out that when i installed the python, the user account controls on vista messed up something the python needed. All I had to do was reinstall the python with the user account controls. Topic Locked.
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