do you listen to music when playing mount and blade?

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I find the game quite enjoyable whilst listening to emperor as this black metal band embraces the dark age.
id prefer the game to have more ambient sounds rather than music (you know, bird sounds, wind, trees rustling.....)
The music reminds me of Lawrence of Arabia soundtrack.

I associate this with the desert. Perhaps it would be better to tie music to environment and also faction like in MTW.
Gladiator and Last Samurai soundtracks ftw... otherwise some trance for those 4:20 latenight sesions =p
david2609 Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:35 pm Post subject:


id prefer the game to have more ambient sounds rather than music (you know, bird sounds, wind, trees rustling

Yeah and horse panting with peasants dieing in agony in the back ground, muhahahaha.

As far as musics concerned in don't play music at all because i need to fully concentrate on the tasks at hand....

'Peasants can't outrun a spirited charger and my bad temper.'
When you are surroundedby enemy infantry and all you have is your bastard sword, Godsmacks Faceless is a good song. :smile:
Classical music provides a fantastic juxtaposition to the extreme violence in-game, a la that scene in Platoon, or that scene in Raging Bull.

My favourite is Johann Pachelbel's Canon.
Well what you do is you crank up the volume, turn on some Death or Black Metal, turn up the base a bit and just enjoy.

Problem is when you get too involved with the game cause of the music and you decide to go up against 40+ mounted units with an axe...and on foot =p
I like heavy metal I just don't like those guys who have a singer that sounds like he's gargling battery acid (I.E. Cookie Monster.) Anyone can sound like that. Ozzy always had a bad voice but it was his real voice damnit. And Lemmy will never win any awards for having a great singing voice, but at least it is real. Getting back on topic I listen to porn when playing Mountain Blade. I mean Mount & Blade.
I listen to the national lampoon's Holiday Road over and over while playing M&B... it puts you in a trance and friyes brain cells, in case you wonder how exactly it gives me the notch in battles.
I like that song too, many fans of Fleetwood Mac hate Lindsey Buckinham but I like him because his guitar and singing is hypnotic and annoying at the same time. Not many musicians can do both. All kidding aside I really miss Christine Macvee. She really seemed like a sweetheart. I suppose she is about 72 years old now but I would still like to see her again.
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