Do you know something about Latvia?

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That it's a very beautiful baltic country and that its capital city is Riga. Its people are known as Latvians and come from a solar system called Xi Antrades on the other side of the Milky Way. They have been space-faring since 120BC and are biding their time, waiting for the world's powers to forget all about them, so they can sneak in and seize control.

Latvia is independant country.
The Hockey chapionship 2006 will be in Latvia and this time we will beat Russians
Been there, done that!

I think the currency was Lati... No, Leva... Ahh well, either. And ice-cream is something like Saldejums. And yes, there was a train. But most countries have trains so I don't think it's too special. And the place I stayed had a 30km beach next to it. Too bad the weather wasn't so nice so we actually went to the beach 2 or 3 times but a whole lot more into the hotel's spa.
I know a few evil jokes about them. Besides they have a very 'scandinavian' mentality and call their huge Russian minority occupants and don't grant them citizenship and other rights if they dont learn the Latvian language or if they served in soviet military or are married to people who did it. I've also heared the day of formation of Latvian SS was a national holiday untill it joined the EU. Well, as to the positive things they made many good freeware games and programmes.

[edit] i almost forgot, there are suspiciously many Latvians all around the internet not regarding there are so few in the world.

[edit][edit] According to Wikipedia there's an Ogre County in Latvia :shock:
catsoup said:
I've also heared the day of formation of Latvian SS was a national holiday untill it joined the EU.
its not a national holiday but some still remeber it

catsoup said:
According to Wikipedia there's an Ogre County in Latvia
It is true but in Latvian language its normal word like Paris

P.S. Many young people hate Russians who live in Latvia almost 15 years and
still dont know Latvian language
I've not learned more than 20-30 french words and it's the second language here. *dodges cressonts* *eats one of them*
I think it's neat to have the map as your avatar.
Little contries are neat, except knowing you might have to join someone else if the world economy drops below -10.
Latvia joined EU and i dont like it because now all is wery expensive
Minimal wage for month of work in Latvia is 160$ or 130 eiro.
How big is minimum wage in Finland for month of work?
P.S.There are article about M&B in Latvian bigest game portal pres
Latvia is what we can call a pulsating state: it disappears after Russia and Germany make some kind of treaty, re-appears after Russia and Germany devastate each other in a war, re-appears again, disappears again...

Many of them hate Russians for bringing them to communism but keep forgetting about the Latvian Sharpshooters who have saved the bolshevick revolution.
Maybe Russia should blame Latvia for 70 years of communism? :lol:

Currently, Latvia has some border disputes with Russia. Once they have succesfuly negotiated the new border, everyone was happy, but they have CHANGED the agreement (the old one was deemed "unconstitutional" - why the heck did they make it then?). As a result, the eastern border is unclear and EU don't wanna take a state with unclear boundaries :lol:

After the colllapse of the Soviet Union, Latvia saw a rize of nationalism. Many ethnic Russians (even those who do know Latvian language) were given "Alien's passports". Treatment of minorities is a severe problem recognized by the European Union.

March of SS veterans is little short of being a national holiday. "Deeds" of SS veterans (SS was recognized as a criminal organization during the Nurenberg process) are celebrated and the celebration is visited by top politician. Given the current "pro-legionaries" lobby, the only thing preventing the holiday from becoming natinal is the foreign outcry: Germany would definitely not like that - not to mention Russia!

P.S. Most of latvian people I respect, as well as the right of a state for existence. There is just a bunch of goddamn nazis that pisses me off. :mad:
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