Latvia is what we can call a pulsating state: it disappears after Russia and Germany make some kind of treaty, re-appears after Russia and Germany devastate each other in a war, re-appears again, disappears again...
Many of them hate Russians for bringing them to communism but keep forgetting about the Latvian Sharpshooters who have
saved the bolshevick revolution.
Maybe Russia should blame Latvia for 70 years of communism?
Currently, Latvia has some border disputes with Russia. Once they have succesfuly negotiated the new border, everyone was happy, but they have CHANGED the agreement (the old one was deemed "unconstitutional" - why the heck did they make it then?). As a result, the eastern border is unclear and EU don't wanna take a state with unclear boundaries
After the colllapse of the Soviet Union, Latvia saw a rize of nationalism. Many ethnic Russians (even those who do know Latvian language) were given "Alien's passports". Treatment of minorities is a severe problem recognized by the European Union.
March of SS veterans is little short of being a national holiday. "Deeds" of SS veterans (SS was recognized as a criminal organization during the Nurenberg process) are celebrated and the celebration is visited by top politician. Given the current "pro-legionaries" lobby, the only thing preventing the holiday from becoming natinal is the foreign outcry: Germany would definitely not like that - not to mention Russia!
P.S. Most of latvian people I respect, as well as the right of a state for existence. There is just a bunch of goddamn nazis that pisses me off.