Resolved Do we know why there is no XP available from the regular servers?

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As above, I'm wondering if the devs have given any word about why or when we might be able to gain XP from the servers that don't require queues.

The main problem with the current system is that for those of us outside the 3 server regions we have to play with lag.

i.e. I'm Australian and have to play with 150 ping in Asian servers to gain XP and wins towards the "EA XX Wins" badges. We do thankfully have Oceanic servers for Siege and TDM but they grant no XP, so it seems we can't reasonably earn the "EA XX Wins" badges like this.
You can however play captain mode as your ping barely matters in this mode.

AFAIK they will not activate on custom servers as people can game them by farming kills or wins quickly. Especially later on in EA when we have our own ones.
The profile features are not fully-fledged and released yet. The XP you get after playing matchmaking are just an indicator of playtime at this point. We have some plans regarding that but it does not have a high priority at the moment.
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