Do the Swadians get beaten badly in everyones game?

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Sergeant at Arms
I just want to know if everyones game the Swadians get beaten in every war,I so want to help them but I guess I would get beaten badly to,in all my games the Swads get thrashed
I have seen Swadia doing good without any help i am at day 1083 and they have wiped out Rhodoks and much of Khergit Khanate
My main char is ALWAYS swad, I have always played Swadia, just love them, played them since I started playing vanilla almost 3 years ago, and havent stoped playing them.
I have played a lot of games to about 500 days, and I would say 50% of the time the swadians get creamed, and the rest of the time they keep a manageable sized empire.  I have never seen them defeat more than one other faction though.
Swadians used to get their arse kicked in most of my games, yet my latest one, they've been doing reasonably well, the vaegir on the other hand have gotten pretty obliterated, I did help by helping the nods take a fortress and killing and pillaging their villages, but then everyone ganged up on them and they got really owned, so when my merc contract with the nords ended I decided to join up as a merc with the vaegir instead to try "restore balance". I'm kinda trying to keep the kingdoms fairly even until I feel ready to make my own (most likely going to try taking dhirim as it's pretty central).
I bought the game on Steams weekend deal and have restarted a few times to test out different character options. Each time I have played, Swadians have ruled. Not to say they weren't unbeatable, but they are quite a force to be reckoned with.

Of course, it doesn't help that the other factions are ruled by what seem to be completely moronic AI. They will run around attacking Swadian villagers and so on, provoking war, only to be beaten back further. I have found it quite humorous though, great game!
They're doing ok in my game, but I think it's mostly because of my 70 Swadian Knights + Heroes Army.  :mrgreen:
It depends.

In my oldest game they got raped by the nords me, as a nord vassal and im my newest they're happily rampaging Calradia.
Depends. Once they were brought on the edge of utter defeat, but then slowly restored the biggest part of their former territory, but sometimes they are dominating. That's one of the things tw did reasonably well with the patches, the campaign ai has become a lot better and the games take very different paths, which I found always interesting to see...
Swadians often get massacred or massacre attempts on them in all of my games. I would think it's because they're in the middle of everything. The Sarranids are the only faction not nearby, but they usually get nearby eventually due to their popular target of Halmar. Still, I have yet to see a Swadian-Sarranid war, which would be a sight to behold with how strong both of them are. 50 mamlukes versus 50 knights, anyone?
The Dominator said:
75% chance Swad Knights would win. Swadia rapes anything unless they get gang raped by 3 or more factions.

In my game we must fight them with 2 factions at the same time. Their cavalry do way to much damage to our armies to take them on with just 1 faction.
In the game scripts the Swadians have at least one additional territorial beef with one of their neighbors than any of the other factions.

I've never played as them because I hate those red housecoats and flat-top helmets their men-at-arms wear... :wink:
Fearghus The Killer said:
In the game scripts the Swadians have at least one additional territorial beef with one of their neighbors than any of the other factions.

I've never played as them because I hate those red housecoats and flat-top helmets their men-at-arms wear... :wink:

Yeah, Swadia actually have a disadvantage compared to the other factions, that is that there are 2 factions that want war with Swadia, and not 1 like with all the other factions :p
Don't know if they get anything to compensate though...

Back on topic. In my games Swadia always get their arse kicked.. Might be because I always play Nord and the one time I didn't I was Rodhok
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