Do looters add anything to gameplay?

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They should put that fat guy with the redheaded afro on the box cover because he's probably the one guy you'll fight most often.

This is so true it hurts... I was just thinking as I was riding around dumping arrows into them that a lot of them seemed pretty heavy and most have afros. I would think that would be an uncommon hairstyle
There was a Warband mod that made Hero bandits and the other bandits would follow them around, creating a small horde of bandits. That would often be nice exp to hunt them down. In settings you could limit the amount of bandit groups that could join one Hero. Could be used for Bannerlord?

For now I want the Roguery perk, it allows for hiring bandits and looters. Until then I just hunt and recruit them from prisoner train and sometimes they offer to join before battle. The Leadership perk Disciplinarian can be used if more regular troops are wanted. So looters are just kind of recruits, they just dont always now it.

I can find some 300-500 mixed bandits on the West Coast of Vlandia and there are hardened veterans among them. Great hunting grounds, I mean recruiting ground.

I suspect they might ruin Vlandias chances for late game dominance? When bandits die elsewhere they might spawn on the west coast where none hunts them, and they grow and grow... they could do a sea peoples invasion of Calradia???
Serious question: do looters add anything to gameplay? As I think more about them, the only thing they do is cause problems within the game. What's their purpose? Why do they spawn seemingly randomly rather than in response to events such as raids, sieges, prosperity loss, etc?

I think they are there just to pad out combat content and as an emergency safety net for a early-mid level player who loses absolutely everything through misfortune or bad play. No matter how badly you fall, you can always solo a small group of looters and start re-building that way.

As for why they spawn randomly, rather than being a response to events? Probably because those systems haven't been built yet.
Not sure what the thinking is behind it

There is none. It's a bare-bones mechanic for grinding at the early stage before it becomes obnoxious at the late-game. This disorganized rabble moves faster than most organized armies. The AI incapable of dealing with them with their huge stacks because they can't catch them in most cases. Further, when the AI is trying to rebuild an army they become easy pickings for these roving mobs that scale based on player level.

Nothing regulates them in the early game besides the player, and by the late game the player is interesting in fighting "elite" stacks (just kidding it's Lord Derthert and the 300 recruits) and not looters/bandits.

If this had been laid out day one, the looters and bandits would have been generated in response to negative factors in the local area.The game would attempt to normalize by introducing neutral factions like Manhunters (who get a huge bonus to auto-resolve vs non-Lord armies) that temporarily scour the immediate area for looters until they are under control.
I agree that while looters are useful and kind of needed for training and gold right now, as new pathways open up for players to have choice, they should be less prevelent, especially seeing all the problems they cause with AI lords. maybe start the map infested with them for that sweet starting XP, but from then on only spawn them from specific things, like a town getting raided creates a band of them from villagers being raided or a town/castle with low loyalty spawns them every so often, which would discourage unchecked expansion.
I always hoped Bannerlord, as a Sandbox, would expand the previously lacking options of playing a bad/evil character. Biggest letdown was Viking Conquest.
I was full of glee when I saw the Roguery Skill and it's perks with the ability to hire Bandits.

Therefore, yes, I think Looters need to stay and I wish for even some more Bandit factions roaming around than we have currently besides fleshing out what I mentioned above even more.

I also don't think they should be less prevalent. If there was something I hated in Warband and many of it's mods, then it would be having cleaned the whole map of Bandits and their hideouts, leaving an almost dead world and they never really came back.
They should be in the game but they shouldn't just re-spawn. Bandit hideouts, peasants, and looters should be involved in the game, but limited. When you take out a hideout, it shouldn't re-spawn in a day, maybe a year or longer in the area or give you the option to burn the hideout down or to just leave it empty (more loot). Peasants should be people fleeing castle, villages, cities during war to find new area to live. They add prosperity and effect culture, tax revenue and recruitment. Looters and bandits will attack peasants and you can choose to save them if wanting to do so. Looters could be similar to how peasant come about. refugees from war torn areas, but limit the number of looters to peasants or make it 50/50. I think looter/ bandit hunting should a thing in the game but my biggest issue is that kingdoms are always fighting each other and never addressing the 10+ hideouts and looter parties just walking around their lands. Peace time as a lord should have you focusing on cleaning out your land and working on the relations to your fief, king, fellow lords, and possibly other kingdoms nearby.
Castles and city garrisons should have training areas so you don't have to hobo hunt grind.
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I always hoped Bannerlord, as a Sandbox, would expand the previously lacking options of playing a bad/evil character. Biggest letdown was Viking Conquest.
I was full of glee when I saw the Roguery Skill and it's perks with the ability to hire Bandits.

Therefore, yes, I think Looters need to stay and I wish for even some more Bandit factions roaming around than we have currently besides fleshing out what I mentioned above even more.

I also don't think they should be less prevalent. If there was something I hated in Warband and many of it's mods, then it would be having cleaned the whole map of Bandits and their hideouts, leaving an almost dead world and they never really came back.
I tested the Roguery skill but for now it only allowed me to recruit two bandit groups, im not sure if there is a cool down on it or maximum before it works again.. or it simply is broken and it was normal chance they wanted to join my army. I hope it will allow to always have the option or perhaps bound to some chat/charm offensive to make them join.
I think that all bandit spawns and mechanics should be changed.
1. Bandits other than looters should spawn only in hideouts and go from there (limited number of parties per hideout)
2. Bandits should keep in closer distance to hideout that spawned them
3. Only one type of hideout should spawn in the area at given time.
4. Bandits that cannot rob anyone for longer time should starve and die (maybe when they starve they will more often try to attack stronger parties)
5. Looters should spawn in limited number of parties connected to villages and towns and based on their prosperity/hearths. If Village is raided it would cause looters to spawn and as long as village is under certain amount of hearths it will spawn more looters. Same for city if security and/or prosperity drops or starvation occurs looters should start to spawn near city.
6. Looters should keep close to village/town that spawned them.

Right now number of bandit parties and their spawn ratio is insane. Same for hideouts. In some areas 4-5 different hideouts spawn next to each other. When You clear one of them and go to take care of another the previous one will respawn.

Many hideouts have 4-5 bandit parties stuck inside (they never leave. Tested it with staying near hideout for 60 days) and another 10-15 parties roaming around.
One more thing about looters. They remind me hungry bandits from Kenshi. Perfect for training at the start and annoying in late game.
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Looters are like punks in Hokuto no Ken, they never learn the lesson.

Looters are nice for gaining rep with locals when you save villagers from them, but they should be considered early game targets at best before you move on to bandits. Imo they need some sort of background progression that upgrades them to regional bandits in some way.
Imperial need regional bandits that upgrade to Imperial while looters should upgrade in an outlaw tree. In future if they introduce culture relations like in warband (for example you couldn't use vaegir units if they hate you) It could be useful. Looters could spawn from raided villages and from cities after gang wars (losing gang members become looters).
Looters / Forest & mountain bandits etc SHOULD represent the dispossessed - poor / peasant farmers etc. As a leader, if you have favorable policies for the lower classes and a strong laws against "Career Criminals", their should far less criminal bands roaming around.

As to actual tactics used by criminal bands is ridiculous ! Roaming around to be spotted by ALL - NO! - BS! they would hide in ambush, in forests, at choke points, mountain passes, on bridges etc etc. Plus, Looters should NOT be just "rock throwers". They would be very poor so few metal weapons but it should be a balance of skirmisher / Melee troops. - Rock throwers + bowmen + wooden club men + stone club men. etc.
Looters (and Bandits) in their current form are obviously placeholder. Most of the suggestions people are making for improving them are probably already in the feature specification, they just haven't been implemented yet. By all means people should make suggestions and express their opinions as sometimes something new and creative can pop up.

Lots of very good reasons why removing Looters from the game entirely would be a negative have been mentioned. A couple I'd like to add:

Hoboslaying has sustained my interest in actually playing the game for more hours than the average person plays any video game. In spite of it becoming repetitive, it still manages to be more compelling than most games, and more compelling than a lot of the other placeholder systems and content in this game. They aren't just XP and loot pinatas, they are moving training dumbies for both personal combat and the issuing of tactical orders to your troops. They need to be refined not removed, and gracefully fade from significance of each playthrough as other more important things take their place.

If the Looters are gone, who else are we going to rescue villager parties from to earn relationship with village notables? Bandits kill them too fast.

I find Looters make good speed bumps for keeping my party's morale up when there isn't much other fighting around.
Would be nice to make a summary of all suggestions to improve looters/bandits

The only reason I kill them is to get the prisoners they captured. Sometimes 20 looters could have over 100+ prisoners as they preyed on parties with mostly wounded men. Other than that I pretty much just ignore them.
Yes looters add the sense that not everything in the world is okay. It shows some result of strife, unrest, unhappiness in the locals. It also lets players bonk some heads for some easy loot and prisoners to ransom.
I hope Looters will have at least different outfit based on their culture. Its breaks immersion when you see the same looters with the same clothers in desert and in mountains
Serious question: do looters add anything to gameplay? As I think more about them, the only thing they do is cause problems within the game. What's their purpose? Why do they spawn seemingly randomly rather than in response to events such as raids, sieges, prosperity loss, etc?

Are they intended to just be little loot/XP piñatas? If so, can't we accomplish whatever economics or troop/character advancement they might bring through other game mechanics? Passive XP gain through the leadership skill, gold spent on training, etc. can handle the XP issue. As for the loot/cash they provide -- is this of any real benefit outside of the first few battles or maybe first trade haul in the game? Why does the game encourage the anti-gameplay element of hoboslaying? The only other thing they do is occasionally disrupt villagers moving around, but even this rarely occurs and doesn't do much besides alter their pathfinding temporarily.

So with how little benefit they provide to the gameplay and how what they provide can be accomplished better through other means, let's look at how they impoverish gameplay:
  • Increase disparity between AI and player since the AI doesn't hunt looters like players do
  • Require enemy lords to respawn with a retinue of free troops so they don't get captured by looters
  • Encourage tedious hoboslaying
So really, why have them at all in their current state? If they spawned as larger mobs in response to sieges or prosperity loss and could raid villages, attack villagers, etc. and self-promote to full bandit parties over time then that could be a neat feature that'd force lords to clean up their lands and slow down progression from conquest (and at the very least just look cool). But to have them running around all over 100% of the map and endlessly respawning -- what purpose does that serve? Why are they there? Do looters actually add anything to gameplay?

This is the result of "**** begets ****." After awhile, you will realize that the people you communicate with online are a bunch of low life druggies. They get high, play online, and think everything is funny. They think its funny to the point where the stupid voice "its harvesting season" is so great that it should be in the new game.
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