Do Khergit tourneys take for hours for one tier or what?

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Don't get it. What's your problem? If you have a halfway decent bow/throwing skill it should go really really fast :wink:
They take no longer than other tourneys.
I have won a couple with 0 power throw and 0 horse archery, but I do look to equip a lance as soon as I can, polearms skill is over 200.
Mastermind said:
Don't get it. What's your problem? If you have a halfway decent bow/throwing skill it should go really really fast :wink:

The only problem is only a dribbling tard takes throwing skill. :\

stormcricket said:
They take no longer than other tourneys.
I have won a couple with 0 power throw and 0 horse archery, but I do look to equip a lance as soon as I can, polearms skill is over 200.

Somebody needs to get the gentle lady a new timepiece.
AI skirmishing on horse back take some time to kill each other.

It takes me just a little longer to finish a round.
well, you only have to kill 3-4 in the first round, then get yourself killed... also, stuff becomes a TON easier when you just tell your team to sit in a corner someplace out of the way. (unfortunately, do the way units are handled, it seems they all respond to the 'infantry' command instead of archer/cav. One thing i dislike :\ )

is it possible to get that working properly? I also kinda liked in a cav charge, where any dehorsed men would fall into the infantry line instead of attempting to follow me
alcibiades said:
Somebody needs to get the gentle lady a new timepiece.

Haha, it is true I tend to get a little caught up in the game and lose track of time.
Perhaps a big train station clock, complete with chime, on the wall above the monitor might help.
No guarantees though.
Yeah, the Khergit ones takes ages. I hate doing them. Same with some of the Swadian ones, too, where it's 100% lances. Ugh.
Anything with lances tends to go from a flash start of 3 people going down to couching, to a slightly less stunning, ten minute snore-fest of guys sitting a metre away from each other and poking each other with giant matchsticks.

I do dislike Kherghits due to the high chance of starting with AND fighting against horse javelineers though. They are hopeless when thrown by you but are deadly when thrown by enemies it seems...
I tend to only play Khergit tourneys. Mounted spearchuckers won't hit you if you're constantly moving and avoid hanging around on their 6 to 8 o'clock. Farting about on a horsie shooting Lords in the face and get craploads of money and a little goodwill - what's NOT to like?
When you play with normal difficulty, fail to notice that you are at low health _before_ joining the contest and get eliminated after betting and getting one-shotted in the 5th tier. But otherwise it's pretty good. I've noticed though, dismounted horse archers are much more dangerous than mounted ones...
10m?!?!?! on a tourney round?!?!?

Erm... What's the problem with Horse based tourneys?... The AI sucks terribly at avoiding the walls... Just lure them into one and chop them out with independence of weaponry used they are defenseless against attacks from 5 o'clock, it's very simple to finish them off.

As the above poster says... The last thing you want is Xerina, Dranton or Kradus (The pros) on foot and armed with something they can throw/shoot at you... I particularly like the intercontinental nuclear warheads that Kradus launch at you from the other side of the arena when he is equiped with javelins and shield and you make the stupid mistake of dismounting instead of killing him.
I like those tournaments, altough I also notice that they last a bit longer (offcourse if we're talking about only javelins and bows tournaments). It's just the band of people, throwing at themselves sticks, that with their skills mostly do no harm. Funny thing is that I always equip Klethi with jarids, so in Khergit tournaments finals are mainly me vs. Klethi. And to be honest, I can only hope it's bow vs. bow or javelin vs. bow, cause if she gets the throwing weapon I can barely survive few first hits.

CriticallyAshamed said:
I've noticed though, dismounted horse archers are much more dangerous than mounted ones...

It's rather the opposite - it's not that dismounted are better, but that they suck when are mounted :wink:
I agree that the key to Khergit tournaments is to keep moving.

In terms of tournaments, what annoys me the most is in Tihr when, in the last tier, you get Bow and Arrow against a guy with Sword and Shield. The worst of all is not being able to block with the dagger, while the AI is able to.

edit: typo
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