Do I seem like a bad person?

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I just noticed two new private messages...

From: samatarum
To: okiN
Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 3:10 pm
Subject: serial key
Hi, Sorry to sent this mail but i hadn't anything to do else.Can you gice me serial key?

From: roflcopter
To: okiN
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 9:04 pm
Subject: M&B serial key... en voi ostaa sitä :sad:
Olisitko niin ystävällinen...että antaisit minulle serialin tai valmiiksi regatun pelin? Embarassed

Ei ole mitään mahdollisuuksia ostaa tuota peliä, mutta jos joskus saan sen mahdollisuuden niin käytän sen heti ja hankkiudun piraatista eroon.

Minuun voit ottaa yhteyttä sähköpostilla: [email protected] (olen 17 en 13)


Are these guys spamming everyone or is it just me? If it's the latter, why the hell do they think that I'm the go-to guy for something like this? This is really depressing me.
I didn't get one of those. It must just be that you have so many posts and a kind, loving, gentle avatar. Or they are idiots. I suggest time travel, then sterilization of their parents.
I suppose they've chosen you because you're Finn and only Finns seem to be affected (You and Lost-Lamb so far). You know, they probably thought it would be easier to get it from person of this same nationality... Poor idiots.
Difficult to explain.
Do you believe in "victim attracting crime" theory to fullfill uncounscious schemes?
You have lots of posts and you are well recognised on this forum. This always attracts. And probably you've given some signs of being not entirely mainstream member (I think you agree). They've just checked it, but they only found that not being mainstream does not mean to be stupid, right?
And it's good you've shown their names to everybody. It should be a lesson for them.
Laurence of Arabia said:
Probably just spamming everyone casue they can't be arsed to earn 12 dollars.
maybe they CAN'T pay. I had to ask someone for him to pay for an account for me because i havent got a credit card.
charizma said:
maybe they CAN'T pay. I had to ask someone for him to pay for an account for me because i havent got a credit card.

Maybe, but he said "give me", not "help me to buy it".
Well, everybody should have own judgement. And own lesson.
Ive never been PMéd about something i didn't know i was already gonna get PMed about....

I would almost consider giving my serial key to 1 and 1 only person , If they asked very politely...

But saying "Give me your serial key" is not exactly polite....My reply pm would go something like this

"Well let me think about this for abit.....................NO"
unless a cd has already been activated twice nobody would be able to use it anyways. They'd have to use the activation key.
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