do i need a new save everytime?

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Hi, ive been wondering this for a while now but, whenever a update is released do i need a new save file? or does it update it with the old save? ive been restarting a couple of times now due to updates but my friend said that its not needed. but im not sure. it keeps asking ''do you want to load with different modules'' i dont know if it means the old files or the updated ones.
It asks you if you want to load a sage with an old/different version, but you can totally do that and nothing will happen.
I had zero problems with that so far.
When something bigger like 1.1 hits or later in the early access phase it may happen ofc that stuff isn't savegame compatible anymore.
But even then you can usually roll back manually in the beta-options of steam (when you play it there).


ah well yes, and that

You dont need a new save, but snowballing control implementations might come in too late for your game.
+1. Me too I tend to start the game from scratch when there is a big patch which really changes gameplay, but small minor patches i just continue player from an older save.

Mainly because the game annoyed me to such an extent that I gladly start over.. For example battania or Khuzaits eating the world before i even get my first fief
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