Do horses in inventory speed up movement?

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Do horses in inventory speed up movement?

I heard so, but how many horses do I need for a party movement speed improvement. Does the type of horse matter? Is it the relation party size/horses and mounted troops vs footmen?

If someone could be so kind to enlighten me, any ideas if this also applies to the great mod "Native Expansion" which I am playing right now?
Not directly, up to three extra horses reduce the speed penalty for the stuff you're carrying. The type of horse doesn't matter. Champion chargers haul just as much as lame saddle horses.
In the past someone posted results of a test they did about this which was pretty detailed.  I'd been using about 15 pack horses to speed up my strat map travel, but as it turned out, the benefit stops at around 12 iirc.  If you use search intelligently you should be able to find the thread.  I think it was in the other game-related part of the forum.
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