Dividing Inventory into Sub-Categories

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Separating weapons according to where they are carried on human body.

Such a separation could go as follows:

on back: arrows, bolts, two-handed weapons, etc...
on waist/on belt : mace, sabre, small axes, etc...
on foot : dagger, knife, etc...

We have 4 places for weapons when engaging in battles. I can carry 3 two-handed weapons at the same time. But it shouldn't be i think. For example if you carry sword of war on your back you shouldn't carry warhammer at the same time.
And also i'm not sure if the weights of weapons effect truely your movement speed.

your comments...
I think it would look awesome if we could carry our shields on our back when we aren't carrying them. Nothing says mongol like a horse archer with a steppe cap and a wooden shield strapped to the back.
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