Distance between ranged troops and others

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When you ordered your troops to 'Hold the ground', they make a kind of formation. Ranged troops (archers, skermishers) goes forward while other hand-to-hand troop stays the point you ordered to stay.

the problem is, ranged troops go too forward of the other troops and as the result, they got killed by charging enemy before others reached to help.
I think the distance between ranged troops and other troops should be half as much as it is currently.
You can prevent your guys from getting slaughtered out there by issuing a "Charge" command before the enemy gets to your archer's position. Once the enemy is about 3-5 seconds away, issue the oder and your cavalry will rush out to meet the enemy, providing protection for your archers. Issue another "Hold position" to restore order to the ensuing chaos.
This (or things that are directly related) has been suggested several times before. A good way to check if an idea is new is to do a search (doesn't always help) or check the common suggestion thread at the top of this page, made by Ingolifs.

Ingolifs said:
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