Disappearing horses

Disappearing horses -

  • I like horses to disappear, and NO I don't want an option which allows horses to stay.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I like horses to disappear, but I want an option which allows horses to stay.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't like horses to disappear, and I want an option which will allow horses to stay.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't like horses to disappear, and want them to permanently stay on the battlefied, without any o

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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Sergeant Knight
This issue has been discussed and brought up in quite a few places. I haven't seen a poll regarding the matter yet however, so just for curiocity how many people actually support the idea?

Tried to make it as biast-less as possible ::grin:

Please bear in mind while voting, that as the developers say, horses which are left on the battlefield would affect performance on slower computers, with less memory. (this is the current reason for them disappearing in the first place)
Volkier it took you long enough to post this thread *wink* *wink*.

I don't recall the devs saying anything on this issue, but i'll take your word for it.
Imo iit can be helpful to unload horses deformation when the raider dies, and reload it if someone remounts him, since the loading time would be very close to nothing, if that's the only reason they don't stay that is.
None of the above.

I would prefer a system where horses simply disappear -more slowly-, allowing players time to actually get to the friggin' things.
I voted for:

I don't like horses to disappear, and I want an option which will allow horses to stay.

But I'd like them to have some kind of random behaviour after their rider is killed/knocked off. Some would stop still but many would wander off, some would bolt and keep running. I reckon.
I have noticed that if I ride on a horse, they disappear but if I dont ride on a horse, they dont disappear (i have not tested this on battle, only on tournaments ) and if in tournament I dont have a horse, I knock someone out who has a horse (and I try not to cripple horse like I sometimes do) and I mount it and then I have better changes to win x)

THATS cool :grin: You should try it.. steal someones horse XD

Thats why I dont want to horse to disappear on battle fields. My own horse might die in battle and I might need other one..
I am very BAD fighter without a horse .__.
This was just a poll regarding the initial 'disappearing' issue.
Horses moving around and acting realistically is a welcome addition, but since it would take a lot of coding, time to impliment, and there are very few people who care (including myself) I doubt it would be feasible at the moment. However I would most definately suggest this and / or support other people's suggestions regarding the issue, once the basics have been implimented in all fields, and the final 'touch ups' of the game are in progress..

As for horses disappearing more slowly, currently they would either disappear or NOT disappear. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get mount a horse if it is going to disappear, EVEN if you stand right next to it when the rider is killed. (you can test this by standing next to an enemy cavalry, and asking one of your troops to hack the rider off.)

Regarding Damien's suggestion-
I did think of a system however, which would actually have a 'bar' which would state how many horses are allowed to physically be present on the battlefield after the rider is killed.
Minimal digit is 0, maximum is unlimited. If the bar is set somewhere in between (example 10 horses), after the 11th rider is killed, the very FIRST horse which is ride-less will disappear, leaving 10 on the battlefield. (and so on subsequently)

So Damien, what I meant by 'option to stay' is basically some way of preventing the horse from disappearing, in YOUR case untill you get a chance to mount it. So if you still want to vote, you would fit under option 2, since its basically meaning the same thing..

However I think this would be more complicated to code in, and in my oppinion most of the people would either have maximum, or none.. (or adjust the bar whenever their horse gets killed, and resetting it back to 0 when they mount)
Volkier said:
This was just a poll regarding the initial 'disappearing' issue.
Horses moving around and acting realistically is a welcome addition, but since it would take a lot of coding, time to impliment, and there are very few people who care (including myself) I doubt it would be feasible at the moment. However I would most definately suggest this and / or support other people's suggestions regarding the issue, once the basics have been implimented in all fields, and the final 'touch ups' of the game are in progress..

As for horses disappearing more slowly, currently they would either disappear or NOT disappear. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get mount a horse if it is going to disappear, EVEN if you stand right next to it when the rider is killed. (you can test this by standing next to an enemy cavalry, and asking one of your troops to hack the rider off.)

Regarding Damien's suggestion-
I did think of a system however, which would actually have a 'bar' which would state how many horses are allowed to physically be present on the battlefield after the rider is killed.
Minimal digit is 0, maximum is unlimited. If the bar is set somewhere in between (example 10 horses), after the 11th rider is killed, the very FIRST horse which is ride-less will disappear, leaving 10 on the battlefield. (and so on subsequently)

So Damien, what I meant by 'option to stay' is basically some way of preventing the horse from disappearing, in YOUR case untill you get a chance to mount it. So if you still want to vote, you would fit under option 2, since its basically meaning the same thing..

However I think this would be more complicated to code in, and in my oppinion most of the people would either have maximum, or none.. (or adjust the bar whenever their horse gets killed, and resetting it back to 0 when they mount)

That bar is just a stack/array of links to the horses, once this stack/array size reachs 10, it will launch a dissappear function on the first one, and push the new horse into the end.
In english, it's easy to implement.

I bet the armagan made horses disappear for a secret reason which us humans fail to comprehend.
Actually there is a much better chance that a frightened horse would attempt to run alongside the charging cavalry, look for a leader (another horse or another human) all in order to feel as if it is part of the herd. It is a natural reflex for horses to attempt to stay together, although very seldom they do run (when they are scared and there is no other horse / few humans nearby), more often if they are following their 'leader'. Furthermore, horses were mostly trained to stay near their downed rider. It would just make the game more enjoyable (in my oppinion) if the horse stays in the vicinity, maybe walks around their dead rider, (not nessesary standing still) but is still there available for somebody else (yourself, enemies or allies).
Volkier said:
As for horses disappearing more slowly, currently they would either disappear or NOT disappear. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get mount a horse if it is going to disappear, EVEN if you stand right next to it when the rider is killed. (you can test this by standing next to an enemy cavalry, and asking one of your troops to hack the rider off.)

But when I start without a horse, and knock the rider down, then I can mount on it...
it is possible o_o I did it couple of times..
ON a tournament, not on a battle..
I just wanted to make that clear.. I am little bit confused now..

This message passes the subject X-D argh

But still I don't want to horsees to disappear cause I might need a one if my own one crippels or dies x)
I did think of a system however, which would actually have a 'bar' which would state how many horses are allowed to physically be present on the battlefield after the rider is killed.
Minimal digit is 0, maximum is unlimited. If the bar is set somewhere in between (example 10 horses), after the 11th rider is killed, the very FIRST horse which is ride-less will disappear, leaving 10 on the battlefield. (and so on subsequently)
That is how i always thought it should work, and seems the best option. I don't think it would be very hard to code either. Having horses stay always doesn't make sense, because no matter how much memory you have additional horses cause a performance hit on any system. Likewise, it doesn't make sense for all of them to disappear either, as you should be able to steal someone else's horse (just as you should be able to steal a dead man's shield or weapon, but thats another topic for discussion).
or adjust the bar whenever their horse gets killed, and resetting it back to 0 when they mount)
I don't think anyone would actually go through the trouble anyway, but most of the options should be unaccessible in battle(with the exception of key binds).
Problem is, if the option is un-accesible, it would be a lot harder for people to determine how many horses theirs system can take.

I mean, not THAT many horses survive anyways, and there would always be a sort of an 'end' to the battle, + you can still kill them if there is a 'lag'. I dunno, I just want some way - ANY way of having horses remain on the battlefield. Seems like generally people want some option for this as well, and heck I say it again, I would upgrade my comp especially for M&B should it not be able to handle it.. ::d
My problem is that enemies on weaker horses tend to die first, so by the good horses are made available, the quota's already full.

All else is irrelevant. You mortals are so vain.
Err they disappear in reverse order. Not from the last killed to the first, but when the quota is reached, the FIRST horse which had been relinquished off its rider disappears, not the 'good' one that you just removed the rider from.

Hope that clarifies things ::grin:
Then why do horses usually start disappearing immediately after you've killed its rider some time in mid-battle?

I'm not sure if a horse that's been un-ridered near the beginning of battle stays there until the end if left unmounted though, I've never really paid attention to it.
Because this is what I am trying to argue against... LoL horses currently will disappear ALL the time UNLESS you are not mounted. This is why I have made a poll / post to attempt and bring a few suggestions to NOT have horses disappear. Lmao. LoL

The idea of having a 'bar' which you can adjust to set the maximum allowed horses without riders on battlefield, was a suggestion. Its not implimented. Right now horses disappear ALL the time.

*Takes a knife - starts stabbing himself repeatedly in a psychotic rage.
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