
Instead of focusing on retarded ideas, this time I have focused on realism. Kind of. A little bit. When I can be bothered.
Anyway, I'm not tottalu sure what the mod is about so I'll just post some features:
New troop tree and kingodm party composition:
All 6 factions (Zendar is a new faction) use a basic troop tree of peasant levees with mercenaries and their own specilaist aristocratic troops on top (Knights and squires for swadia, Thegns and Reeves for Nords ect.)
Some more management of castle's and towns, after winning a seige you will be able to command your troops to a) leave the population alone (some looting will still occur depending on your leadership) b) loot a bit but try to restrain them selves c) do what the **** they like. a will gain you no extra money from looting but the population won't hate you and the city's prosperity wont b eaffected, c is the opposite and b is in between.
After that you will have more forms of managements and will be able to give the center to yourself, a companion, another lord or let the center elect a steward for themselves (the center will in affect still belong to you but you won't have any choice in it's management.) If you chose the last one then you may let either the nobles or all city members vote. In your management you will be able to choose to get good relations with the center or with the aristocrats. Good relations with the center will work as in native and will affect how many troops you can levy from the center, while having good relations with the aristocrats will be the only way to recruit specialist troops (knights ect) other than recruiting from prisoners.
The party size bonus you get from leadership is hugely increased so bassicaly you should be able to recruit as many men as you can find/ can afford.
You will get much less money from winning battles.
Mercenary companies for hire, used by you and by factions.
Either halfing experiance earned by killing **** and making troops take twice as long to earn experiance (if this is possible) or doubling the levels of all troops, halving wages and giving the player some sort of experiance penalty.
And some other stuff I've forgotten.
Alright, so far I've only done the troops,the party size bonus, added mirathies formations and some random stuff and since it's hard for me to motivate myself to work on any mod and since I'm **** at scripting it will be a long time before a lot of this gets done (if it ever does.)
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