Directx7 or Directx9?

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Hi, just watched some youtube videos and noticed that some people still seem to be using directx7. I was wondering if that would have any benefits to it? I have half decent hardware and been playing on directx9 for all my life but I checked out directx7 today and it felt a bit smoother, I've turned up my fps limit from 180 to 300 as well though. What directx and/or graphic settings in general are you guys playing on? This is only focused on better performance in multiplayer duels or teamfights and not the graphic detail or how much enjoyable the singleplayer still is.

My specs:


i7 4770K @ 4,2Ghz

16 GB G.Skill DDR3-2400Mhz


MSI Z87  Mainboard
All low apart from textures, 300 fps, 144hz monitor so it's more smooth for me, but even if you have a normal monitor i did felt that in dx7 it's more fluidic and smooth but i know some plauers who are using dx9 but with low quality tho.
Maximou said:
All low apart from textures, 300 fps, 144hz monitor so it's more smooth for me, but even if you have a normal monitor i did felt that in dx7 it's more fluidic and smooth but i know some plauers who are using dx9 but with low quality tho.

It was your recent video that I watched thats why I am asking  :grin: I'm on a 144hz monitor as well and haven't had any issues with directx9 but after trying out x7 today I have to agree that it felt a tiny bit more smooth and somewhat faster.

Shemaforash said:
apart from graphics there aren't really any differences, with ur build u should have like 1000 fps on warband dx9

I haven't had any issues in terms of performance when playing on Directx9 I'm just wondering wether x7 could be even better performance wise on the cost of graphic details of course.
Its a bit easier to see stuff at long range with dx7 but thats the only difference. If you can comfortably run dx9 there is no reason not to.
PhantomMaB said:
dx7 made things alot smoother for me and removed alot of animation-bugs in swings. I suggest u use dx7 but it is ur own choice.

Same as Kane also if you prefer dx9 for the textures etc... you do get used to dx7's bad graphics after a while
the only difference between dx7 and dx9 is how the game looks, performance won't change much unless playing on a potato

on dx7, textures look flat, in certain situations this leads to things being easier to spot, but on some it's the exact opposite, mostly it's all about preference.
dx9, I find some weapon models are harder to see in dx7 over certain background textures

Hero_of_Ferelden said:
People that have played the game too long seem to think using dx7 makes them better. Personally I just think they're deluded.

this tbh
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