dijiTurk's Experience Notes

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I will try to update notes after new-big patches. Notes will be reorganized and are the source for individual topics. Helpful for me & the game.

-Error messages while launching game or joining server. [fixed]
-Need less than 41 ping(~65 atm).
-Common fps drops to 43-55 from 60-lock.
-Common freezes for secs.
-Very Rare fps drops to 20-25, at max.
-Very rare crashes.
-Movement is not smooth as Warband.

-Captain mode servers' player capacity is way too low, 6v6.
-Skirmish mode servers' player capacity is way too low, 6v6.
-TDM mode server's player capacity is low, 50v50.
-Not enough servers.

-Captain mode has not artillery for the captain to use/manage.
-Siege mode should let players to build & deploy & use their breakable ladders/fences/ballista and much more.
-Captain mode's AI can't take exact forms at F3.
-Not enough modes.
-Cant re-use rocks at siege mode.
-Cant re-build catapults etc.
-Lighting is not ready at siege mode's maps.
-Can't climb ladder tower properly.
-No production for rocks(etc) or transformation for them yet
-There wasnt frezee but laggs for secs. +Less crash than last patch.
---For Siege:

-When the gate that was about to be demolished, (gate) opened from the inside(by castle defenders), and gate's hp bar refreshed like %75, a bug?

-Trebuchet can not be repaired.

-Trebuchet can not throw stone etc to enough distance ( cant reach away enemy towers, which needed).

-Trebuchet need an aim for estimated shot area.

-Saw black patterns on the right fortification tower

-Trebuchet need to give some field damage for a limited area(shrapnel field damage for rock, fire field damage for other one).

-Sound comes late when placing the ladder

-There is a strange sound at background for a map.

-Sometimes you cant pick up rock(etc) from ground if its the first time.

-Cant see loby members at main menu. [did not check recently, might be fixed]
-Can't join custom servers with players inside the loby, searching and joining custom servers automatically without loby members together. [did not check recently, might be fixed]

-Laggy movement in game. Bannerlord is not as smooth as Warband atm.
-Horse movement/animation(coming a bit back before the end of fall animation from horse etc). [mostly fixed]
-Can't use "é" to look back while walking/running. [fixed/working for third person]
-Can't jump & and stay on small things/fences/walls.
-[good but why]Horse/camel can move directly right or directly left.
-There is some invisible trees/buildings on some maps. [fixed]
-Some trees can't block attacks, but slow down walking/running speed. [did not check recently, might be fixed]
-Captain mode's bots should be slower while using "F3 , F2" command(hold shield). [did not check recently, might be fixed]
-Can't see throwing lances on enemy body when they hit to enemy, untill the last one. I want to be able to see all hits/objects on enemy body. [did not check recently, might be fixed]
-Can't see arrows/throwing stuffs if they hit to trees or buildings. [did not check recently, might be fixed]

-Dead bodies disappearing? Any option for them? Can't see all.
-Some trees look bad. [mostly seems good within new maps]
-When holding big shield, and crouch, leg is outside of shield cover [did not check recently, might be fixed]
-Character grabs Javelin(small throwing stuff) from its top, which is sharp and not logical as looks bad.
-Attack direction's arrows a bit big, need to use smaller or disable. [has option to open/close]
-Captain mode's dead-cam is bad, it changes one AI to another rapidly because they die, but i want to watch which/where i want(focused commander or AI or freeroam at map). [did not check recently, might be fixed]
-Dead cam should show your killer for 3 secs, just after you killed by him/her.
-PROFILE White on characters is not white, hair/beard looks bad. Colors bad rn. [did not check recently, might be fixed]
-PROFILE Cant create my character's face as really angry or happy(also there is no frowning eyebrows form ie.) [did not check recently, might be fixed]
-PROFILE There is no older/hars voice to use rn. [did not check recently, might be fixed]
-PROFILE Need taller and shorter characters with their positive and negative additions in game(ie. taller -> heavier -> higher hp/durability & slower movement speed).
-Can't take off my clothes as in warband.
-Blood on body is not good(depends things but) it seems like a dirt generally.
-After getting damage from head, there is no blood [did not check recently, might be fixed]
-While using "é" in a small room, character becomes invisible. [did not check recently, might be fixed]
-Framed mode images in game's menu can not reflect modes well. They need to change with better ones.
-Black hole from the dead horse.
-Left hand can't reach crossbow while aiming.

-When put shield to back, enemy arrows hit to body instead of shield at the back. [did not check recently, might be fixed]
-When i hold shield while looking up -> enemy can not hit my feet even shield is not covering that side. [did not check recently, might be fixed]
-Can't see friendly-fire in any servers.
-Spear can't reach enemy enough. [mostly fixed]
-If an enemy gets killed with puch, system showing that enemy killed by a class & name, not from the punch. Can't see how enemy killed exactly.
-If an enemy kicks(with a bit damage) and let you die from fall damage, system showing that you killed yourself, which is false.
-Can't continue to hold shield if i open chat bar. [fixed]
-Can't attack when crouch.
-Can't hit shield with weapon, and yell to make them afraid(as in viking conquests).
-One Aserai unit's helmet has a bad cloth animation(too high ripple)
-One map's water side has not animation for walking, and no sound for it either.

-Some settings can not be restored back, like brightness level(slide ones, for example WEAPON TRAIL VISIBILITY: if u chage this then click reset = nothing happens). [did not check recently, might be fixed]
-Dead body amount on map -> need this.
-There is no option for showing blood(none, less, all etc).

FOUND GOOD(i dont write all good stuffs, special things that i remember)
-Can walk silently when crouch.
-Can climb ladders/staiers with horse or camel=Good thing..Good for different styles of gameplay/movement. :wink:
-Menu music is awesome. Some reddit topics show that game's musics will be pretty good!

----- Please Attention:

POSSIBLE GOOD FEATURES that I would like to see(at least modding should be case even if these wont be released offically)
-Need friendly-fire for all servers, with its -not exaggerated- punishment system.
-Some modes need -new things like perks or soldier types in team like engineer or widely open mode mechanics for all- for building & deploying & using breakable stuffs etc such as ladder, fence, ballista, rocks, smoke bombs etc.
-Need whistle to call or warn for enemy. Plus, there should be couldown to prevent rapid whistles.
-Need much longer spear for siege.
-(with more AI)Captains should be able to divide & use separately their soldiers as archers, cavalarymen, infantary.
-Healing stuffs/places for sieges can fit the mode.
-There arent enough Bannerlord memes or GIFs around. Need some world-wide bannerlordish memes & GIFs.
-Can't shot/cut/kick(etc) the dead enemy bodies. If we can, it can be more brutal & fun as MortalKombat
-Need more animal sounds for maps -especially for nights-
-Need offically supported pro-fanart/drawing page at forum.(editors should prevent comments for lean & clean art page, and page should provide like button for each drawing)
-Need gifts(badges etc) for good drawings(LoL gonna give RP for good fanarts).
-Need statistics about how Bannerlord is growing.(for example, worldwide social media follower amount for each six months & comparisons with past)
-TW employees should continue to play with players and drop comment to patch notes for community.
-Offical matches, and streams.
-Need jsut a few DLCs, such to support developer, anyother DLCs should be free. (deep rock galactic's -supporter upgrade- is an example. just one DLC, few skins, no more DLC except soundtrack)
-Bannerlord statues, clothes etc that we can buy.
-Animated loading images.
-We should be able to draw inside Bannerlord, as playing piano in Warband.
-Need vote system in-game menu or forum.
-Need many ways to communicate & interact with others, ie. medieval contacts*.
-Need smoke to close enemy's view(ie. making/throwing burning woods/smoke to specific place for 15secs)
-Need to able to re-build & move individual ballistas/catapults etc.

[TR] Beta sürecinde aklıma yatan, Bannerlord'u kendine bağlatacak/sürekli alternatif kılacak anahtar odaklardan bazıları(çokoyunculu modlar için):
-Tatminkar dövüş/hareket kapasitesi.
-200v200 gibi yüksek kapasiteli sunucularda akıcı oynayış imkanı
-Bir çok modun(özel/resmi) (bir çok özel mekanikler içerebilecek şekilde, örneğin kuşatmada savunma oyuncuların su içip can tazelediği bir oluşumda, saldıranların sulara zehir katabilmesi) bulunabilecek olması*
-Yüksek modlanabilirlik.
-Harita düzenleyicisini tam olarak kullanarak kendi haritalarımızı yapıp paylaşabilmemiz, ayrıca paylaşılan bu haritalarda başkalarıyla oynayabilmemiz.
-Bireysel görünümün çok özel olması
-Orta ve uzak mesafelerde harita görüntüsünün zayıf bırakılmaması + haritada canlı ve güçlü ışıklandırmalar + detaylı dağlar + gökyüzü.
-Her türlü ses ve müzik takviyesi + oyunu destekleyecek bir sürü çizim

Kuşatma modu için:

-nakliye sistemleri lazım.

(some of the links're suggestions):


Poll for Patch Frequency Oriented Siege Mode Expectations https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?threads/vote-for-march.393490/
Poll for Server Capacity Expectations https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?threads/guess-what.382904/

-Ansiklopediye doğrudan erişilemiyor.
-Aslan kafası gibi bir sembol var tıklayamadım. "Krallıkta değilsiniz" gibi bir uyarı veriyor. Oysa ben direk klanımı kurdum, krallar öldürdüm.
-Karakter sayfasında, ilgili becerinin alt dallarını öğrenme kısmı göze pek hoş gelmiyor. Ayrıca bu alt kısımları geliştirmek zor.
-Tek oyunculu senaryoda sürekli değişen güç dengelemeleri, yerleşim alanlarına daha çok asker yerleştirme, diplomasi, şehirde veya yağmacı mağaralarında istediğimiz kadar askerle gezebilme vs eksikliği var.
-Kralın kızıyla evlenip ve tüm klanı & kralı bir şekilde öldürüp kral olmak şuan yok gibi. Senaryoda etkileşim çeşitlenmeli, hem diyaloglarda hem genel ilerleme süreçlerinde(düellolar, rüşvet vs vs).
-Yanılmıyorsam Tavernlerde bölgesel müzikler birer adet. Oysa her gittiğimde o bölgenin bir sürü müziğinden biri çalsa daha güzel olur. Örneğin her bölgenin 10-15 yöresel müziği olsa random çalsa, mekan daha da renklenirdi.
-Karakterimizin soy ağacına bakarken kendi evladımızı, onunda evladını görebilmek veya evlatlarımızdan birini tahta aday gösterebilmek vs güzel olurdu.. Ayrıca bebeklerin oyundaki 30-40 günde çocukluğa evrildiğini gördüm. Karakterimizin ölümü nasıl olacak, kaç oyun gününde olacak vs merak ettim.
-Diğer önemli bir husus. Kim olursa olsun bize(klanımıza, imparatorluğumuza) saldıran sol pencerede KIRMIZI renk ile gösterilse güzel olur. Ayrıca bu soldaki bilgilendirmeler hemen yok oluyor. Warbanddaki gibi L ye basıp sabit olarak göreceğimiz yer olmalı. Gene bizi doğrudan ilgilendirenler KIRMIZI olarak yazılmalı tabii olarak orada da.

-Oyunun epicteki muğlaklığı hariç başarılı bir şekilde çıkış yaptığı görülüyor, ayrıca ilk ayını da güzel güncellemelerle geçirdi. Bu güncellemeler hata ve performans odaklıydı, fakat yenilik getiren büyük çaplı güncellemeler çıkıştan itibaren ilk ayın sonuna yetişemedi. Halen ciddi sorunların çözülmesi de gerekiyor olabilir. İlk adım güzel, sabit ve yenilikçi ilerleyişin birkaç ay içerisinde gelişip gelişmeyeceği merak konusu. Topluluk olarak özellikle çokoyunculu oynayış için yenilik getirici büyük güncellemeler bekliyoruz. Nisan04.

-basic-Map Design Study : https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?groups/designing-map-from-ancient-egypt.189/
a Project https://forums.taleworlds.com/index...r-skilled-volunteers-on-video-edition.423500/
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It would look bad. It's not possible irl to climb a ladder with a horse.

I dunno, it might be possible...

Well, great work on your feedback, but.
-Skirmish is likely to be a competitive mode, and 6v6 is, for me, the most balanced number to be playing against each other, adding more people would be terrible for gameplay, in 6v6 you have 1 or 2 cavs MAX, imagine having to watch for 2 or 3 more while in melee.

Oh, and about horses climbing ladders, they cant climb more IRL than they do In game (In general), and there is one more difference between the horsemen I know and the ones in game is the armor.
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