Different types of horses

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First, sorry if this has been brought up earlier, didn't search properly if that's the case.

It would be cool to have more variation on horses by implementing horse breeds. So every individual horse would have training (destrier, charger, warhorse, courser, sumpter, hunter etc.), breed (andalusian, frisian, arabian etc. of course fitted in the game world) and state of health or nature (spirited, swayback, lame, stubborn).

I think this would make horse dealing a lot more interesting and also worthwhile to keep on looking for even more suitable horse for used style of combat. I think that in current state it's bit too easy to get the best horse available.

Horseback fighting is also so entertaining part of this game, that it really feels funny, that you almost have more variation on two handed swords than on horses. Considering, that horses are living creatures and swords only tools. :wink:
:smile: Well, this thread on "New Horsebreeds" http://taleworlds.com/v-web/bulletin/bb/viewtopic.php?t=1666&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=horsebreeds does mention new horses, green horses, shire horses, etc. There are I believe other threads on this also.

I would put my two cents in that it would be interesting also to have horses that would be more effectively used on different terrain and conditions.

Some horses may be faster or more agile or have greater endurance on certain battlefield terrains. An armored warhorse might be less useful on a hot, sandy desert battlefield. A steppe pony might be more maneuverable or have greater endurance for hilly battlefields where it's constantly turning, weaving, and picking its way up/down inclines. That sort of thing. Just a random idea, I've mentioned before.
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