Different "Recruit" Types

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This for example, is to stop peasants from becoming knights. You would be able to recruit Peasants and Middleclass peasants, and from cities, you can "Buy" Noblemen. Noblemen are the only recruit type that can become knights.
Oh yes, I've seen that done in a few mods. Could be nice if you could bestow (lesser) nobility upon a sergeant or something, provided you're a highly prestiguous lord/king/lady/queen yourself.
but how can that be realistic that noble join some guy like you ? Why would any Noble do that ? its ok for Farmers since they are lower class then you perhaps,but nobles are nobles,if you want realisam,you should be that one who should noble recruit, not you him.
Crussader said:
but how can that be realistic that noble join some guy like you ? Why would any Noble do that ? its ok for Farmers since they are lower class then you perhaps,but nobles are nobles,if you want realisam,you should be that one who should noble recruit, not you him.

Get your renown up maybe...? Lol. Its simple. Or if you have a disagreement. You challenge them to a duel? (<--- Probably dueling a bit too far) But you know what im on about? :smile:
Stuboi0 said:
Crussader said:
but how can that be realistic that noble join some guy like you ? Why would any Noble do that ? its ok for Farmers since they are lower class then you perhaps,but nobles are nobles,if you want realisam,you should be that one who should noble recruit, not you him.

Get your renown up maybe...? Lol. Its simple. Or if you have a disagreement. You challenge them to a duel? (<--- Probably dueling a bit too far) But you know what im on about? :smile:

so we should duel every each noble that he joins us?: ) so if i want 30 knights i should need to duel 30 times lol :smile: thats funny :smile: and about renown thing , so i should have only middclassedfighters for days and days playing till i get my renown high,and then i could recruit knights.well thats good idea :smile:
Crussader said:
Stuboi0 said:
Crussader said:
but how can that be realistic that noble join some guy like you ? Why would any Noble do that ? its ok for Farmers since they are lower class then you perhaps,but nobles are nobles,if you want realisam,you should be that one who should noble recruit, not you him.

Get your renown up maybe...? Lol. Its simple. Or if you have a disagreement. You challenge them to a duel? (<--- Probably dueling a bit too far) But you know what im on about? :smile:

so we should duel every each noble that he joins us?: ) so if i want 30 knights i should need to duel 30 times lol :smile: thats funny :smile: and about renown thing , so i should have only middclassedfighters for days and days playing till i get my renown high,and then i could recruit knights.well thats good idea :smile:

Not  completefly serious about dueling 30 times... i meant for exceptional soldiers, maybe the best of nobles.

And YES! Thats what would have happened, your a complete stranger to the world of Calradia, no one trusts you, knows who you are, only peasants and middle classes would be stupid enough to think "Ahhhh money!!!!" But hey, once you do well in battle, people will start to recognise you as a hero, nobles will think twice about you. Etc.

Btw, are we saying "nobles" as lords or just very rich people who own their own land...? I've been on the tracks that nobles are richer people with land, not lords :razz:
Crussader said:
but how can that be realistic that noble join some guy like you ? Why would any Noble do that ? its ok for Farmers since they are lower class then you perhaps,but nobles are nobles,if you want realisam,you should be that one who should noble recruit, not you him.
Knights were pretty common, really. Even your average ****hole of a village would have a few ****holic knights, and if they think it would help them if they'd join your warband, then they probably would. Not every knight was really rich, to be a knight you needed only be rich enough to keep yourself equipped knightly. :razz:
True true... but i confused my self with very high status men and richer men. So this is what I think.

-Higher status men, probably could be found anywhere, not nessesarly rich but very loyal and are willing to fight to the death.

-Rich men, depending on prosperity, they COULD be anywhere, not nessesarly good fighters and will need a bit of training, however, because they can afford the best equipment, these men are more like body guards rather than fighting on the front lines such as higher status men.

So yeah, i got a bit mixed up :razz: Anyway, continuing with the other classes of men (and women)

-Middle classes, normally merchants, squires and probably the odd Bandit (<--- Very clever bandit :razz: ) Moderate armours, limited range of weaponry, limited skill (meaning they could only fight in melee etc) But are very fast moving, best used as skirmishers once you have created a strong army. Best against other bandits.

-Lower classes, not quite peasants, but would act more as "charge and forget" troops. You send them to battle, they have little training, probably a lower class weapon with some leathers for armour. Probably used as normal troops against bandits but really... they are just decoys in a full on battle.

-Peasants... Decoys all round.... <----- Need i say more? :razz:
I must say I do not like the idea of peasants which you can train to be soldiers being turned into...Human meat shields. 
Even if it is a game it is a waste of life and I find the thought abhorrent. (I'm a little big on the honor thing sorry)
Haha Winter you mis understand me, I meant "decoys" because they usually become them. With little or no training/ armour and crap weapons, bullied into the battle line, (when times were desperate like they are in Calaradia) and end up running away, wearing the enemies out and then the professional troops come in against a tired enemy. So basically worded it wrong. They should be used for hit and run tactics :smile:
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