True true... but i confused my self with very high status men and richer men. So this is what I think.
-Higher status men, probably could be found anywhere, not nessesarly rich but very loyal and are willing to fight to the death.
-Rich men, depending on prosperity, they COULD be anywhere, not nessesarly good fighters and will need a bit of training, however, because they can afford the best equipment, these men are more like body guards rather than fighting on the front lines such as higher status men.
So yeah, i got a bit mixed up

Anyway, continuing with the other classes of men (and women)
-Middle classes, normally merchants, squires and probably the odd Bandit (<--- Very clever bandit

) Moderate armours, limited range of weaponry, limited skill (meaning they could only fight in melee etc) But are very fast moving, best used as skirmishers once you have created a strong army. Best against other bandits.
-Lower classes, not quite peasants, but would act more as "charge and forget" troops. You send them to battle, they have little training, probably a lower class weapon with some leathers for armour. Probably used as normal troops against bandits but really... they are just decoys in a full on battle.
-Peasants... Decoys all round.... <----- Need i say more?