Different commanding styles for npc's

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I think it would be very interesting in a longer campaign to have commanding lords behave differently. Like some advancing carefully on the map and mabe sending out small scouting parties to avoid ambushes, some being more defensive/offensive and others observing enemy forces and sending messengers to notify bigger armies of the enemy presence.
They could also act different during sieges, some only concentrate on the city/castle and stay at or near the camp, others leaving a garrison at the camp while raiding surrounding villages or hunting nearby forces.

On the battlefield some could be leading their soldiers from the front or rear, lead cavalry charges or surrount themselves with troops to protect themselves.
Some could advance their forces more disciplined and in tighter formations than others, rely more on infantry/cavalry/archers or try to end battles quickly when they have superior units or the better, terrain or draw them in lengh to overcome disadvantages or reduce losses.
Rice lover said:
This makes the waiting way more intense.



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