[Developer] Troop and Weapon Stats

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Nord Champion

Grandmaster Knight


Javby Stats

All Classes

Level: 20
Strength: 15
Agility: 15

Weapon Proficencies
One Handed: 100
Throwing: 180

Other Stats
Max Health: 100
Catch Radius: 70x, 70y, 10z (This means that if you hit a person, they have to be within that range to catch it. Foot-shots *should* not work.)

Ranged Classes
(Swadian Crossbowman, Vaegir Archer, Khergit Horse Archer, Nord Archer, Rhodok Crossbowman, Sarranid Archer)

Power Throw: 4
Athletics: 6

Weapon (Wooden Stick)
Weight: 0
Speed Rating: 98
Weapon Length: 70
Swing Damage: 25, Blunt

Infantry Classes
(Swadian Infantry, Vaegir Spearman, Khergit Infantry, Nord Huscarl, Rhodok Sergeant, Sarranid Footman)

Athletics: 6

Weapon (Club)
Weight: 0
Speed Rating: 98
Weapon Length: 70
Swing Damage: 40, Blunt

Cavalry Classes
(Swadian Man at Arms, Vaegir Horseman, Khergit Lancer, Nord Scout, Rhodok Horseman, Sarranid Mamluke)

Athletics: 8

Weapon (Wooden Stick)
Weight: 0
Speed Rating: 98
Weapon Length: 70
Swing Damage: 25, Blunt
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