Developer tools

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A few minutes ago a page opened up with a bunch of text on it called "Developer tools, as I read into it I realized it was the forum page I was looking at but drawn out into codes. I clicked a different page and noticed the tool changed with it and brought up the new page's text, i even clicked my profile and it showed all my info in codes. I dont know how it showed up nor do I fully understand what it does. I closed it down in fear of accidently changing something, but Im curious as to what it is? Is it some sort of admin tool?
Nothing happens when I press ctrl + u.  :???:

EDIT: Is it suppose to do something?
This happens for me. You use internet explorer?
I use Internet Explorer.
That doesnt looks like it, but perhaps your tabs are hidden.
Now that I read the scripts word for word, I think theyre the same thing.
Wierd, do you know what it is?
It's called "Source: Developer Tools". I presumed it was the same thing. Maybe it's displayed differently in Opera

I'm guessing you pressed something Alt + V and then C?

Anywho, it's probably just the HTML code
Yeah, that's the HTML source of the page. It's what your browser receives and effectively translates into the page you actually see.
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