[parsehtml]<p><img class="frame" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;" lang="en-GB" src="http://www.taleworlds.com/Images/News/blog_post_01_taleworldswebsite.png" alt="E3 2017 - Booth" width="575" height="300" /></p>
<p>Greetings warriors of Calradia! It is an exciting summer for TaleWorlds Entertainment: our community & communications team recently showcased Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord at E3 in Los Angeles, and next month they will visit Gamescom, Europe’s biggest games industry show, to give hands-on demos to quite a number of journalists.</p></br> [/parsehtml]Read more at: http://www.taleworlds.com/en/Games/Bannerlord/Blog/19