Need More Info Destek kuvvetin savaşın tam ortasında spawn olması ve yapay zekanın error verip ölmesi

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Summary:400vs250 savaştayken 2 ordu tam birbirine girecekken düşmana destek kuvvet geliyor ve ne garip ki destek kuvvet benim içimde spawn oluyor ve direkt ölüyorum.
How to Reproduce: Destek kuvvet 2 ordunun çarpıştığı yerden değilde total war gibi savaş alanın dışında spawn olup savaş meydanına koşmalı
Have you used cheats and if so which: Hayır
Scene Name (if related): Syronea Kuşatmacılarını arkalama
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Computer Specs:
OS: Win10 pro
GPU: MSI rx570 Armor 4gb
GPU Driver Version: En son versiyon
CPU: i5 4440
RAM: 8GB Hyperx Fury 1600mhz
Motherboard: h81m-s
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): James Donkey 960gb SSD - Pionner 128GB SSD
Last edited:
Bu durum Syronea şehrini kuşatırken mi yaşandı yoksa bir savaş alanında mı?
Çözümü ise gayet basit olduğunu düşünüyorum. Total War da olduğu gibi destek kuvvet kırmızı bölgenin dışından savaş alanına gelebilir ya da 2 ordunun da olmadığı biryerde spawn olabilir. Bu şekilde hem gerçekçilik sağlanır hem de keyfimiz kaçmaz.
Hey! I am using google translate so I am not 100% sure whether I understand it correctly or not, but I think the author of this thread meant one of the two following situations:
1. enemy's reinforcements literally spawned in the center of the battlefield, or
2. enemy's reinforcements spawned in the usual point of the map, but op was unlucky enough to have ongoing fight at the exactly same place and time.

If it is the first one situation then this is a bug and I can't help because I had never seen something like that in my life. Although I think it was rather the second one and in that case I, and probably a lot of other people, had that problem many times. It usually happens when enemy is a defender and picks reinforcements spawning point as a good place to defend against you, or when you were chasing some enemy troops which have happened in said point when enemy's reinforcements were spawning. That is just a poor design, and op's suggestion to make reinforcements arrive to battlefield from outside of the fighting zone, just like in the Total War games, is indeed a very good suggestion.
Hey! I am using google translate so I am not 100% sure whether I understand it correctly or not, but I think the author of this thread meant one of the two following situations:
1. enemy's reinforcements literally spawned in the center of the battlefield, or
2. enemy's reinforcements spawned in the usual point of the map, but op was unlucky enough to have ongoing fight at the exactly same place and time.

If it is the first one situation then this is a bug and I can't help because I had never seen something like that in my life. Although I think it was rather the second one and in that case I, and probably a lot of other people, had that problem many times. It usually happens when enemy is a defender and picks reinforcements spawning point as a good place to defend against you, or when you were chasing some enemy troops which have happened in said point when enemy's reinforcements were spawning. That is just a poor design, and op's suggestion to make reinforcements arrive to battlefield from outside of the fighting zone, just like in the Total War games, is indeed a very good suggesti

Hey! I am using google translate so I am not 100% sure whether I understand it correctly or not, but I think the author of this thread meant one of the two following situations:
1. enemy's reinforcements literally spawned in the center of the battlefield, or
2. enemy's reinforcements spawned in the usual point of the map, but op was unlucky enough to have ongoing fight at the exactly same place and time.

If it is the first one situation then this is a bug and I can't help because I had never seen something like that in my life. Although I think it was rather the second one and in that case I, and probably a lot of other people, had that problem many times. It usually happens when enemy is a defender and picks reinforcements spawning point as a good place to defend against you, or when you were chasing some enemy troops which have happened in said point when enemy's reinforcements were spawning. That is just a poor design, and op's suggestion to make reinforcements arrive to battlefield from outside of the fighting zone, just like in the Total War games, is indeed a very good suggestion.
Problem is Enemy reinforcements spawn point. They spawning in the Battlefield area like teleporting. Sometimes they spawning my inside while attacking the Enemy. So my solution suggestion is; Reinforcements must come from the redzone like Total War
And sorry for my bad English (i hope u understand)
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