Denaars (always short of 'em)

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Ok so does anyone have a good suggestion for making extra money??

My character is level 35, Swadian, and has 9 or 10 heroes (average) and a guaranteed 50 Swadian Knights with me at all times.
I am lord of Malayurg Castle, Distar Castle, Nemeja, Tash Kulun, Bulugar, and Narra but for some reason am still stuck in a rut financially, any suggestions are appreciated  :smile: thanks.
Oh, and if it makes a difference my renown is around 2350
Loot villages and then sell all the stuff.  Mad amounts of money.  If your patient enough, you can check the reports for viillages that have high prosperity.  When I do this this, i usually take all the money from the arms, armor, and horse merchant in the town.
Buy trade goods cheap in one location and sell them on the other side of the map.
Win tournaments and bet the maximum amount each time.
Defeat enemy Lords and sell the loot.
Defeat bandits/deserters and sell the loot (higher tier deserters and Sea Raiders are generally worth the most).
Capture more cities (as opposed to castles) for tax revenue.
Scale back your current garrisons, either in number of troops, or their quality.
Fill castles and cities with low level troops to save cash.  And only roam with what you need.  Don't expand your control with castles and villages, stick to cities only. 

Keep an eye out for tournaments but don't make too many dedicated trips, especially if your odds are getting lowered by too many wins. 

Make sure you are at war with a couple factions and attack lords aggressively.  Attack caravans and sell their stuff.  However if you are carrying around a huge party it is sometimes more beneficial to just take a bribe. 

Make sure your party skills in looting, and trade are high, it makes a huge difference.  Your personal inventory and leadership skills do as well.

Try and develop good raiding patterns.  There are two areas for sea raiders which are profitable, and on the way to the easy and juicy forest bandits you can look for mountain bandits.. they might net you a little, maybe even a kick ass shield.  And as always look for large groups of deserters in the typical areas enemy parties are roaming, large lancer or man at arms group give huge dollars.  Advanced nord troops and vaegirs as well, even some rhodoks.  Most of the Khergits and swadians are not worth the time though. 

I'm currently at level 48, my weekly troop costs are around 15000 but I take in far more than that because I own Tihr, Curin castle and its fief Haen, another fief Ruluns and Mechin, plus Suno, Yalen, Veluca, Jelkala, Praven, Uxhaul, and Dhirim.. just waiting for more wars to expand and then rebel. 

If you are stuck in peace right now, you only have bandits and tournaments to hold you over for a bit. 
The Red Baron said:
Loot villages and then sell all the stuff.  Mad amounts of money.  If your patient enough, you can check the reports for viillages that have high prosperity.  When I do this this, i usually take all the money from the arms, armor, and horse merchant in the town.
That is a very good way to make money but it also lowers your reputation a lot with the village that you raided and eventually when it's captured by your faction it sucks to be you if you're given that village.
Goregrinch said:
Ok so does anyone have a good suggestion for making extra money??

My character is level 35, Swadian, and has 9 or 10 heroes (average) and a guaranteed 50 Swadian Knights with me at all times.
I am lord of Malayurg Castle, Distar Castle, Nemeja, Tash Kulun, Bulugar, and Narra but for some reason am still stuck in a rut financially, any suggestions are appreciated  :smile: thanks.
Oh, and if it makes a difference my renown is around 2350

Conquer every village,city,castle in the game for yourself.(With your own rebel country) with no mod and on hard. It is really hard but you get really rich latter. I have 60000 now.
Arena and trading.

Off topic, did anyone know they use Dinars in Sudan, Africa?
Folthrik said:
The Red Baron said:
Loot villages and then sell all the stuff.  Mad amounts of money.  If your patient enough, you can check the reports for viillages that have high prosperity.  When I do this this, i usually take all the money from the arms, armor, and horse merchant in the town.
That is a very good way to make money but it also lowers your reputation a lot with the village that you raided and eventually when it's captured by your faction it sucks to be you if you're given that village.
That's true, but going on a chevauchée is just about the most fun you can have in M&B. Not to mention that it's wicked profitable. Just pick the enemy you hate the most. (Khergits for me.)
to get lots of money, you really need to focus on your trading skill, or have a party member with a high trading skill.  It really makes a difference when selling loot, but the best way to make money without making any enemies or losing renown is trading.  I have made 10,000 denars in one trip by buying up cheap oil in khergit territory, and carrying it over to the other side of the map to nord and vaegir territory.  You can do the assess prices option, but I find that to be only somewhat helpful, as it doesn't always tell you the best items to buy for selling elsewhere.  If you have a trading skill of 5, you will effectively have a trading skill of 7, because when your character has a skill level of 5, he gives plus 2 to whoever has the highest level of that skill, so if your guy has the highest trading skill, he will give himself plus 2 trading.  Another good item to trade is furs, because they can be bought very cheaply and sold for a decent markup (sometimes it's 10x the price you paid), and the khergits seem to pay the most for them, which is good because then you can get more oil to sell.  It doesn't take very long to amass a small fortune, just make sure you have a decent size army because you will be slow moving on the map and your enemies will try to take your goods.
The Red Baron said:
Loot and burn villages and then sell all the stuff.  Mad amounts of money.  If your patient enough, you can check the reports for viillages that have high prosperity.  When I do this this, i usually take all the money from the arms, armor, and horse merchant in the town.
Yeah I made like 10,000 in like 20 minutes doing this.
Llew2 said:
Folthrik said:
The Red Baron said:
Loot villages and then sell all the stuff.  Mad amounts of money.  If your patient enough, you can check the reports for viillages that have high prosperity.  When I do this this, i usually take all the money from the arms, armor, and horse merchant in the town.
That is a very good way to make money but it also lowers your reputation a lot with the village that you raided and eventually when it's captured by your faction it sucks to be you if you're given that village.
That's true, but going on a chevauchée is just about the most fun you can have in M&B. Not to mention that it's wicked profitable. Just pick the enemy you hate the most. (Khergits for me.)
Thats funny cause I always go for Vagiers.
Calradian Denars are silver, I think, going by the wordings of the ransom offers. And you can get more of them by stealing cattle and selling the meat. Fresh Beef is worth crazy amounts of money (500-700 per unit is what I get) and you get two units per cow. Steal the cows, then loot (and burn, of course) the village, and you're golden. Er ... silvered.
I got a mod that varies the value of prisoners for sale/ransom. Peasants and the like still go for the default value, but high level soldiers can go upwards of 300 denars each. That and loot from battles is how I made my money, and of course winning tourneys with bets maxed is a nice bonus every now and then.

And speaking of the word "denar", my guess is that it's derived from the Roman silver currency, the denarius.
My general view is that it's easier to work on lowering your costs rather than trying to make more money. Of course it's good to be able to make money... trade skills, keeping fiefs well maintained, going around looting, etc. But all of that takes a lot of work and effort.

Ask yourself... do you really need 50 Swadian Knights with you at all times?  I like to travel light with a small party unless I'm trying to seige. It makes me faster and I can patrol bigger areas. It cuts down on my food and wage costs. It also attracts my enemies to me rather than making me have to chase them. If the enemy force is too big for me, I lead them to my nearest castle where I can get reinforcements and promptly engage them. I only put about 100 high level troops in my towns and the rest are lower level troops that increase the troop count to discourage siege attempts. If you have 800 or so total troops (of any level), it's not likely to get attacked. And if it does, you usually have plenty of time to bring reinforcements.

I never have money problems and I always thought the financial aspect of the game was very easy. A lot of times I will only travel with my NPCs, especially if I'm only trading. If your party is all on horse and you have someone with good pathfinding and spotting skills, it's very easy to avoid getting attacked by bigger parties.
mournful probaly has the best advice. Don't buy useless stuff. Don't need 50 Swadian Knights, or full plate, when you could have slightly lower tier(Still as effective) cheaper etc.
Just loot and sell valuable goods like Velvet/Iron/Oil. You can usually find atleast 3 or 4 of those in each village. Just pick the rich/average prosperity ones.
You'll alway be short of them.  My guy now owns all of Calradia, and has had to resort to selling prisoners and trading at top speed just to make ends meet.  Doesn't seem right to own the whole world and still have to run around with stinking furs just to feed the troops.  Taxes don't even begin to meet expenses.  Guess he'll just have to turn loose expensive troops (even garrisoned ones), since he has no organized enemies anymore.
In native you dont earn enugh money on things. You can with a few tweaks change this a little.
There are many ways, but I prefer increasing the money you get from ransoming lords(only slighty is enugh), and increase the chance it is that you capture them to 30% or so.
Thay way you will get money when you win big battles, and that seems to me like the least "chaety" cheat you can do to get  money.
  • The best way by far involves a tweak or two.

    [list type=decimal]
  • Apply the Ransom Broker tweak.
  • Purchase a hammer.
  • Find some baddies. The badder the better
  • Hit them over the head with the hammer.
  • Take your prisoners to the Ransom Broker.


The mill tweak is good, too.

In Native Expansion there are lots of extra things you can do for your towns and villages to increase your profit, like Cattle Ranches and stuff.
AA0 said:
... And only roam with what you need.  ...

That is my experience, too. Do not build too strong a party if you do not need it. Try to find balance to win the battles and at the same time not to pay too much for the troops.
With 50 Swadian knights, I cannot imagine anyone would have any chance against me in the field. But I found 10 of them are enough and if not against a very very strong enemy. I keep my party at the size of about 30 + some low tier troops to train. With much more troops in the castles waiting until I need them.
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