Dena Pirates, oh my...

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Knight at Arms

A bit of frustration here, but Dena Pirates need a serious nerf bat, they are extremely fast, a party of 20-25 can easily catch just me which should never be the case.

Here I was thinking I can go into that area and start to own them now that I got some good veteran troops with me and a party around 55 (With only like 5-7 basic troops, rest at least Tier 3), and next thing I know I get owned big time in a battle of 55 against 25, lol.. I'm like, ok time to regroup, but that's almost impossible cause the moment I escape I get recaptured again because those freakin pirates are way faster then me, so I just spent the last week in prison, and lost most of the good armor and horse that I had, lol. Luckily I've found a good way to make money through trading, so it's not like I won't recover, but seriously that side of the coast is insanely too difficult early in the game.

So please for the next update, look into those troops if possible. Speaking of which, I'm sure this is the not the first time this has been brought up, but has anyone made some personal modifications to those bandits to make em,  emm... less like the Roman Legions? :wink:, if so I would be curious to know what you did, so I can apply that to my game as well.

Edit: Instead of just venting my frustration, lol, I'm also curious to hear what kind of strategy people take against those guys because clearly they are one of the harder bandits in the game, so curious to see what kind troop composition I would eventually need to counter them.

well, those denas are heavy infantry.
and there's only one thing to counter heavy infantry: MORE heavy infantry...
if u dont like this brute-force "tactic", take some good heavy infantry and cavalry, have your infantry form a shieldwall and put the cavalry on the flank, provoke the denas to attack you. wait until short before they clash in your shieldwall, then rush around with your cavalry and charge their backs, while you command your infantry to attack, too. this hammer-and-anvil tactic works not only against dena, but against almost everything...
He said early game. :smile:  Your heavy infantry won't work against Dena pirates until pretty late game.

In the early game, when I'm running around leveling up, trading, and getting wine presses and the like, the best thing to do is run around with horseman only. (either companions or + horseman/equites.)  That way, you can run away from the pirates (as long as you see them...)  Pulling a Sir Robin is the best tactic, IMO

lol ok, interesting, I'll probably just avoid that coast for now as they seems to be the only problem so far.

yeah these guys destroyed me for a while, ended up getting captured a lot, not doing too well in this game everyone has terrible moral all the time (playing on hardest settings with realistic saving) as soon as i build an army everyone gets slaughtered  :lol:
Yep, Dena Pirates kick my butt a lot too... I've learned to treat them as the equiv. to the sea raiders/men of the sea that you had to deal with in Native mode... by basically heading to the hills and having fun there till I get the ability to tackle (or simply survive) the coastline.
Those guys are much nastier than the sea raiders of Native.

I remember taking on 18 Sea Raiders with a lvl 1 character and a spear, that's something I have no chance of doing in this mod. :grin:

Although capturing them and then having them join my ranks makes up for an imba shieldwall
hehe yea tell me about it..

I'm at a point where I got some nice veteran troops and usually fielding an army of over 100, and now I can easily beat back those dena pirates which is very nice, even though it's tougher to catch them, but when I do, ohh my do I go in there for blood. The cool thing is, since their so high level wise, they usually have a a lot of elite prisoners, so after I free them, I get some nice replenishment of elite troops in my ranks :smile:

But oh my are they a pain in the early game, overall I just think their speed needs to be nerfed, because there's no way that a party of 15-20 or even 30 should be faster then just me on a horse, it makes the early game brutal if you lose and consistently captured by them since you can't escape them. I also think it hurts the factions of East Saxene and East Engle, since they have such higher powered bandits, they get beat up a lot by them, (or maybe not, but man did dena pirates have such elite prisoners with them) so it seems to be they are easily conquered afterwards when other factions start moving towards their territory. In my game East Sexene is already eliminated, and East Engle seems like they have no cities, but not eliminated because I guess they have a few lords still traveling around hiding in a friendly castle
I'm a vassal to the dude ruling East Engles, mostly because they have the hottest chick of the mod and that stuck-up lady is one day gonna end up in my bed. :grin:

I gotta reckon that taking those guys out is fairly easy, they just can't assemble smaller armies, they get chased down and captured.
Not to repeat my earlier advice but honestly, my way of beating the situation is to head inland, and find an area that has a lot of deer herds running about (these are greater in number and the pay off is nicer than that of boars... strangely, the deer are easy to tackle down than boar too).... hack up some deer, keep a wee bit of meat for yourself (it doesn't spoil I've found) and start selling some of it off to the surrounding towns, and while you are at it, look for who has salt, iron, and flax on sale (cheap) and do a bit of a trade off, and then travel around and do the merchant meets hunter act until you can get up enough coins to hire anyone you like to take on the nastier bands of ill doers...
Dena pirates could do to be a little slower on the world map, but otherwise I'd say keep them as they are. They're the only really tough mob in the game. I equipped all my companions with heavy armour I got from fighting them.

If you're going to do anything with dena raiders, I'd suggest it's appropriate to have them spawn on an island off scandanavia way or something, and let them have boats like the traders. Then they can go up and down the coast raiding shipping and vulnerable towns, before nipping off again. Same with Frankish raiders.
As far as I'm aware parties either are at sea or they aren't (with the exception of the ferry). I've never seen sailing raiders disembark when hunting them.
I might be wrong but that's just some inductive reasoning on my part and inductive reasoning is always doubtful.
You're probably right about the present state but that doesn't mean that it HAS to be that way :razz: Although it's almost certainly too late in the development cycle for Idibil to bother trying to add it as a feature.
I was more wondering about how difficult it'd be to mod it in, as I'm by no means a modder. But seeing as Idibil is almost finished with his mod you're most likely right in that he won't be fiddling with it.
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