sher said:
Ruby Runed Bow head shot has to work well too.
Is my favourite way of whacking them
Still i have to see a companion kill a magnii, i believe the pointy-eared one did once,
but i have to bring them down usually. Sir Alistair became pretty good with lance, and
Leslie, Boadice and Alyssa carry balanced throwing spears besides good shield ,
lance and 1h good sword. But just the ocassional hit, not a kill.
I expected Boadice to use a rune sword i got somewhere but even un-horsed insists in
fighting face-to-face with the long knightly lance. Weird.
Anyway, also saw magni carry runed sword or bastard foreign saber with heretic shield,
2h foreign saber (keep away from the thing, but easier to arrow his head) and lance.
their horses are slow, comparatively, but i sense a bit faster than the netherworld from snake warriors, maybe just a misjudgment.
Aerid Thongar said:
I'm removing the system from TGC, and putting in a different one, so that thrusts will be a much stronger way of attacking with spears from horseback, and instead "lances" will break on impact, in the same way you use Javelins or other thrown weapons.
thrusts seems to be ok with me, as they are.
Dunno, really, how much movment you can get handling a lance with all your iron weight and over a horse, but i found interesting lances breaking on impact (maybe a good add to tournments), thrust or couched.
thrown weps, being a totally different matter, supposedly Black Iron Spear wont break on impact, huh?
And when couched, the lance gets in the cradle, no recoil, but minimal, supported by
a) horse running
b) man full of metal junk on top (more weight to the impact means more energy on impact)
c) stopper (cradle)
yes, i would say: is a hard hit all the way