Deleted suggestion (suggestion already made)

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You know, these forums are getting increasingly more hostile to people who have posted the same suggestion six times before, without looking around the frequent suggestions sticky or using the search. You're lucky you bumped into me first.
I did attempt a search, but I guess I made the mistake of focussing the search on "crouched lance" and coming up with too many hits for what I was specifically looking for... more a mistake of poor searching technique than lack of effort.

I'll make more of an effort in the future to make sure I've either found it, or it isn't there.
Ingolifs said:
You know, these forums are getting increasingly more hostile to people who have posted the same suggestion six times before, without looking around the frequent suggestions sticky or using the search. You're lucky you bumped into me first.

I don't mean to be hostile,most of the time,but some things are so obvious if you play past lvl 6.I don't now way so many "noobs" just come on here and make posts without with out taking 2mins to look around.

Thanks for Self-editing Schmea!
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