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Knight at Arms
Should there be a skill that would deflect some of the attacks automatically. It would work like so. +2% chance that you will deflect the attack for every two skill points. So if you have 10 skill points on deflect it would be a 10% chance that you deflect the hit.
Ummm... deflect without even doing anything? No.. this is not World of Warcraft or any other rpg where you have static dodge and parry percentages.
The idea comed from icewind dale 2 and yes i know it feels like some rpg thingy but it is just a suggestion.
No, no, no. I would hate this game if such a thing happens. Because I hate pure stat based combat engines like in Morrowind or Diablo series. I always feel deceived by those games, taken as a fool. In Diablo for example, if you play as fighter, you do nothing but hitting the mouse button and the game calculates things in the background , you miss or hit. You can't use your shield actively etc. In Morrowind, my character swings his sword, I see the animation that I hit succesfully, but it says "missed". Do they think I am blind or stupid?. Did my sword pass through him as if he is a ghost?. And they use the cheap tactic of increasing the HP of creatures to insane amounts to make them difficult to kill. How come I start the game with 20HP and I have 200-300HP towards the end?. Did I mutated or what?.

Though I am not saying that those are bad games, in fact they are good except the combat mechanics. But in my opininon combat mechanics is sooo important that, without a good combat all of the good graphics or huge world of Morrowind means nothing to me. Because the combat is the heart of all thing.

Sorry about my grumbling, but I was angry about those games for very long time.
No no no. I do not want it to be automatic. The vital of this game is combat, not automatic one button slashin. It would just help to survive the battle.
Well, Keeper, I don't know in what level your character is but surviving battles will not be a problem in higher levels. :smile: In fact, people are complaining about the lack of challenge after level 20-25.
But I welcome more defensive options and more detail in close combat. Dodging (to the sides and maybe backwards) and crouching (to avoid slashes aiming your head) would be nice additions as already suggested many times. I also want sprinting to be added primarily for offensive purposes.
That is because I am expert in polearms and bows but not blocking. :roll: I got headshots even if there are 3 allies "knights" on my way. But a river pirate could hit me three times without being blocked. :???: That is how this idea was created. :wink: I find it still pretty hard to win a fight of 53 bandits against me and some vaegirs.
Err if 1 skill point = 2% chance, then 10 skill points would = 20% chance no? Ok maybe my math suxorz. ::razz:

I don't know, personally I would prefer not to have anything 'automatic' in any game. This would be good for a dice game RPG, but not for something like M&B in my oppinion.
Volkier it is +2%chance for every "TWO" skill points so it is 10%. Acanthoid I will train my ass off. :cool:
Whops... mah maths suxorz! (and probably my vision as well since I didnt see the 'two'... gah end of days! Ima gonna die soon...)
Anyways lol sorry my bad then.. Would not bother delete the post so that people can know how dumb I can get when entering my dark chambers called 'home' at 2am lol.
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