No, no, no. I would hate this game if such a thing happens. Because I hate pure stat based combat engines like in Morrowind or Diablo series. I always feel deceived by those games, taken as a fool. In Diablo for example, if you play as fighter, you do nothing but hitting the mouse button and the game calculates things in the background , you miss or hit. You can't use your shield actively etc. In Morrowind, my character swings his sword, I see the animation that I hit succesfully, but it says "missed". Do they think I am blind or stupid?. Did my sword pass through him as if he is a ghost?. And they use the cheap tactic of increasing the HP of creatures to insane amounts to make them difficult to kill. How come I start the game with 20HP and I have 200-300HP towards the end?. Did I mutated or what?.
Though I am not saying that those are bad games, in fact they are good except the combat mechanics. But in my opininon combat mechanics is sooo important that, without a good combat all of the good graphics or huge world of Morrowind means nothing to me. Because the combat is the heart of all thing.
Sorry about my grumbling, but I was angry about those games for very long time.