Defending Dhirim.... FFS!!!!! >:(

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So heres the story, I joined kingdom of vaegirs and not long into my new faction  career I (surprisingly) get awarded Dhirim as a fief. Great I thought, so I lead my mega army over to Dhirim and hole up. Next thing I know I have the sarranids sieging me with 700 troops and as per usual our entire defense force is "gathering the army" on the other side of the world. Thanks for the support guys!

Anyway i'm packing a lot of archers so I think no problem they will get torn a new one since I have almost 300 troops in here and they only have 700. Well now after repeated attempts at holding it and subsequently having my ass handed to me I decided to rage quit.

Honestly... what the F*CK is the point in having fortifications when my guys on the wall are not only getting torn to pieces by enemy archers but 90% of my archers can't even frickin shoot back effectively. I thought defending was supposed to be a bloody advantage not a downright liability. You can't maneuver your troops because they all get bunched up and blocked and if you try to move your archers then none of them can shoot. Your infantry who guard the seige tower point are so ridiculously exposed that by the time the tower gets to you they are almost all dead from enemy archers.  :evil:

Now as a master archer myself with PD 10 and the strong war bow I can take down crap loads of enemy troops; in fact from the after battle report I bet at least 50% of the enemy dead were caused by me and I always target the elite troops too. Its just so damn infuriating that my archers can't even make a measly 2:1 kill ratio and all my troops seem to be doing is getting shot dead where they stand without making any contribution whatsoever.

Alright end rant..
I just gave it another few attempts and in one I had a crushing victory. I lost roughly 100 men and they lost all 700. Had to place my archers down in the houses directly opposite where the enemy will come in. Then I had some marksman in another decent sniping spot. Put all my infantry in one big core that would hold the attacks in place while the archers shot them in the back in waves.

Unfortunately its not very reliable since I tried it again a couple of times and got my ass handed to me. The biggest problem is trying to organize them all as fast as possible before the tower gets in position since you have people trying to come down the stairs and some trying to go up it just leads to utter chaos.
Ya basicly to defend Dhirim you need to have more troops than them or you lose or turn the difficulty down.
Dhirim is a basic siege. Or at least in was int the original game. The wall is pretty much like Tihr's inner wall and you will need a siege tower for it. So, basically it's just one bit of wall and some ground on both sides of it.
I am a master archer too, only I am also a master horse archer. And as such, I would never let those steppe bums get even close to my city. All I  need is my group of mamelukes and myself. After a couple minutes half the Khergit 'army' is suddenly horseless, Mameluke fodder. The ones with armored horses get shot, so I have extra war horses if my steed dies under me. Their horse archers have some kind of bug and are always aiming too low, it seems like they try to head-shot me like  I was on foot, no idea but looks weird. Their arrows are not that bad, what I really fear (projectiles) are those deadly Rhodok sharpshooter bolts. If your castle defense suffers, then pack more say, rhodok sergeants or nord huscarls ad do the archery thing yourself. Having there a bunch Vaegir Marksmen could help. Headshoting your own troops to scavenge arrows would be a viable thing to do? :lol:
If you do NOT mix faction troops in your army, sorry for wasting your 2 minutes :smile:
YENKO said:
Having there a bunch Vaegir Marksmen could help. Headshoting your own troops to scavenge arrows would be a viable thing to do? :lol:
There's actually an M&B comic strip where the protagonist does that :razz:

EDIT:,3634.msg44997.html#msg44997 Have fun.
YENKO said:
Headshoting your own troops to scavenge arrows would be a viable thing to do? :lol:

You're a monster! Use a blunt weapon next time (and tell them some enemy soldiers sneaked in behind the lines).
reklem said:
If you want to see a really weird siege scenario, try Praven. I just recently attacked Praven, took it, and defended it two times. (Blergh!) No ladders, just a short run to the enemy, and the AI is totally just sitting in the corner and wanking. It must be changed, or if not the siege, at least the AI behaviour.

They said they fixed it in version 1.130 I think. From the screenshots I've seen, they made it much worse. :razz:

And your sig makes me sad. <3
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