Resolved Scene Editor default_empty Material Causes Crash

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Summary: The material default_empty causes an immediate crash when viewed, whether in the resource browser, changing the material slot on a mesh, or just spawning in a mesh that already has the material applied. I use this material in several prefabs to erase some unwanted materials on native prefabs, so when I tried loading a scene with 1.6.2 modding kit that had meshes with this material applied, crash.
How to Reproduce
: Search for the material in the resource browser, or try to change a mesh's material slot to this material, or try to spawn in a mesh with this material already applied.
Specific Tool: Scene Editor
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Computer Specs:
OS: Windows 10
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Ok just reproduced the crash. Here's the ID: 2021-09-27_21.27.28_66f5968ed378a45f1874b3e961e5e362
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