SP - General Deeper relationships and marriage systems

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The relationships and marriage systems have great potential, to make it better you should implement:
-More ways to better relationship such as: chatting (should be limited once per day), giving spetial gifts based on personallity, winning battles together (only for companions and family members), performing favors based on personality (this option should only be avaliable for people that you already have some good reap with)
-Harder and more rewarding noble marriages (this will tie up with the next point): you should get rewards from marrying nobleman and noblewoman such as: more influence and more clan XP overtime (espetially if the pearson you married is a son or daughter of the king)
-Non noble marriages: being able to marry your companions or notables in towns and villages (need to implement special quests for the later), if you marry a non noble you should not get any rewards in the way of influence and clan XP, but it should be much easier and cheaper than marrying a noble. Inplementing this will make feasible characters that hate all nobles
-Implement a way to have bastard children such as: being able to make your companions or notables be your lovers, and make captured nobles be your concubines (or something like that for male nobles)
-Being able to ask for favors costing relationship points instead of influence such as: asking a noble friend for money, reinforcements, influence (or to vote in favor of your proposal or giving you a recently conquered fief), asking a notable for a emergency recrutment or paying for you a mercenary company for a determined lenght of time
If all of this features are implemented togheter it wold make the game much better and much more fun.
I would love for this all to be implemented and even to go further with it, like:
being able to make marriage agreements with other lords and ladies. That way you can cement an alliance with an other household/clan and your relation with these clan would than improve.
I would love for this all to be implemented and even to go further with it, like:
being able to make marriage agreements with other lords and ladies. That way you can cement an alliance with an other household/clan and your relation with these clan would than improve.
Isn't this kind of in the game ? If its not it would be realy nice to be added
Bring back the poems learnt in the taverns to woo your love (my current wife has -1 relation seems kinda like an arranged marriage tbh)
Right now some conversations have less depth than in warband and feels just soulless :sad:, the stories of companions and quests are ofc better, but in some points they are worse... It is cool that you have to convince your adored woman, but its weird that you just have to convince her once without relationship, without showing that you deserve her. No poems, no tournament victories, no quests in that way...

You marry her, make kids and you can say absolutely nothing to your wife... "Oh I have a quick Question..... Nevermind.", the same goes for your companions and lords, there are almost no interactions, thats such a wasted potential.

I hope Taleworld has already planned some of this stuff and only needs time to finish everything.
+1 more Options with Comapnions. Deeper Characters. The Companions and Clan System is a great implementation but should be improved much more
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