Dedicated Server Anleitung

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Gotha said:
Lad dir die Komplette Mod noch mal runter und lad den Kompletten Mod noch einmal hoch. Und schalte dann denn Server aus und danach wieder ein.

Und mach den Doppelpost weg.


oder stell die Frage im M&M Forum

Was meint ihr bitte immer mit "hochladen"?
Ich dache, dass man die Modul-Dateien nur in den Ordner Server\Modules packen muss.
Darwin said:
Professor662 said:
Ich dache, dass man die Modul-Dateien nur in den Ordner Server\Modules packen muss.

I.e. auf den Server hochladen. Dein Avatar ist übrigens mehr als grausam.

1. Danke für die Antwort
2. Dafür ist der Avatar aber urheberrechtlich frei :wink:
So, ich habe ähnliche probleme:
Ports Forwarding gemacht. Firewall freigegeben...
#WARNING: Make sure that you change the capital values with proper ones.
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid administrator password
set_pass_admin ADMINPASS
#if you have premium members, set a password for them, otherwise delete/comment out the line below
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid private password
set_pass_private PRIVATEPASS
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid server name
set_server_name Oxhorns_Server
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid welcome message
set_welcome_message WELCOME MESSAGE
#Steam must be running in order to use valve anti cheat
#Also you must use the Steam version of the dedicated server in order to use this option
set_enable_valve_anti_cheat 1
#setting battle (multiplayer_bt) mode
set_mission multiplayer_bt
#setting max players, first one is non-premium member limit, second one is premium member limit
set_max_players 20 20
set_num_bots_voteable 0
set_map multi_scene_1
add_map multi_scene_2
add_map multi_scene_4
add_map multi_scene_7
add_map multi_scene_9
add_map multi_scene_11
add_map multi_scene_12
add_map random_multi_plain_medium
add_map random_multi_plain_large
add_map random_multi_steppe_medium
add_map random_multi_steppe_large
#adding all kingdoms to both sides just to randomize all of them
#adding less kingdoms will reduce the randomization set (used in set_randomize_factions command)
add_factions fac_kingdom_1 fac_kingdom_1
add_factions fac_kingdom_2 fac_kingdom_2
add_factions fac_kingdom_3 fac_kingdom_3
add_factions fac_kingdom_4 fac_kingdom_4
add_factions fac_kingdom_5 fac_kingdom_5
add_factions fac_kingdom_6 fac_kingdom_6
set_randomize_factions 1
#since default team point limit is 300, the line below is necessary for this mode
set_team_point_limit 10
#if the bottleneck is your server's bandwidth, then make sure that you set a correct value for upload limit
set_upload_limit 100000000
#if you are running more than one dedicated server on the same computer, you must give different ports to each of them
set_port 7240
#if you are running the Steam version of the dedicated server, this port must also be set, and same limitations of set_port apply for Steam port
set_steam_port 7241
set_server_log_folder Logs
set_server_ban_list_file Logs\ban_list.txt
Norwin said:
So, ich habe ähnliche probleme:
Ports Forwarding gemacht. Firewall freigegeben...
#WARNING: Make sure that you change the capital values with proper ones.
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid administrator password
set_pass_admin ADMINPASS
#if you have premium members, set a password for them, otherwise delete/comment out the line below
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid private password
set_pass_private PRIVATEPASS
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid server name
set_server_name Oxhorns_Server
#uncomment the line below when you set a valid welcome message
set_welcome_message WELCOME MESSAGE
#Steam must be running in order to use valve anti cheat
#Also you must use the Steam version of the dedicated server in order to use this option
set_enable_valve_anti_cheat 1
#setting battle (multiplayer_bt) mode
set_mission multiplayer_bt
#setting max players, first one is non-premium member limit, second one is premium member limit
set_max_players 20 20
set_num_bots_voteable 0
set_map multi_scene_1
add_map multi_scene_2
add_map multi_scene_4
add_map multi_scene_7
add_map multi_scene_9
add_map multi_scene_11
add_map multi_scene_12
add_map random_multi_plain_medium
add_map random_multi_plain_large
add_map random_multi_steppe_medium
add_map random_multi_steppe_large
#adding all kingdoms to both sides just to randomize all of them
#adding less kingdoms will reduce the randomization set (used in set_randomize_factions command)
add_factions fac_kingdom_1 fac_kingdom_1
add_factions fac_kingdom_2 fac_kingdom_2
add_factions fac_kingdom_3 fac_kingdom_3
add_factions fac_kingdom_4 fac_kingdom_4
add_factions fac_kingdom_5 fac_kingdom_5
add_factions fac_kingdom_6 fac_kingdom_6
set_randomize_factions 1
#since default team point limit is 300, the line below is necessary for this mode
set_team_point_limit 10
#if the bottleneck is your server's bandwidth, then make sure that you set a correct value for upload limit
set_upload_limit 100000000
#if you are running more than one dedicated server on the same computer, you must give different ports to each of them
set_port 7240
#if you are running the Steam version of the dedicated server, this port must also be set, and same limitations of set_port apply for Steam port
set_steam_port 7241
set_server_log_folder Logs
set_server_ban_list_file Logs\ban_list.txt

Bei dir fehlt "set_add_to_game_servers_list 1"
Ist eigentlich wurscht soweit ich weiß, ich hatte es immer am Ende stehen (Natürlich vor "start")
Mir ist leider noch nicht geholfen!
Nochaml Code gucken, bitte.
set_pass_admin AdminAdmin
set_server_name 3te_Cav_Training
set_welcome_message Hallo, dies ist der Trainings-Server des 3ten Kavallerie-Regiments. Befehle werden Ingame vom General (Cpt) gegeben. Viel Spass.
set_enable_valve_anti_cheat 1
set_mission multiplayer_tdm
set_max_players 9 9
set_upload_limit 380000
set_num_bots_voteable 0
set_map multi_scene_1
add_map multi_scene_2
add_map multi_scene_4
add_map multi_scene_7
add_map multi_scene_9
add_map multi_scene_11
add_map multi_scene_12
add_map random_multi_plain_medium
add_map random_multi_plain_large
add_map random_multi_steppe_medium
add_map random_multi_steppe_large
add_factions fac_kingdom_1 fac_kingdom_1
add_factions fac_kingdom_2 fac_kingdom_2
set_factions fac_kingdom_1 fac_kingdom_2
set_randomize_factions 0
set_team_point_limit 50
set_upload_limit 100000000
set_port 7240
set_steam_port 7241
set_server_log_folder Logs
set_server_ban_list_file Logs\ban_list.txt
allow_changing_mission 1
allow_renaming_server 1
set_add_to_game_servers_list 1
set_auto_team_balance_limit 7
set_ban_voteable 1
set_kick_voteable 1
set_bot_count 1 1
set_bot_count 2 1
set_control_block_direction 1
set_disallow_ranged_weapons 0
set_factions_voteable 1
set_force_default_armor 0
set_friendly_fire 1
set_melee_friendly_fire 1
set_friendly_fire_damage_friend_ratio 100
set_friendly_fire_damage_self_ratio 25
set_ghost_mode 0
set_map_time_limit 30
set_player_banners_allowed 0
set_respawn_period 1
set_valid_vote_ratio 51
Ports weiterleiten

Du hast zweimal "set_upload_limit" drin. Daran wirds aber nicht liegen. Im Grunde sieht die Sample richtig aus, ich tippe darauf das es am Mod liegt.

Sollte es Mount&Musket sein - folge dieser Anleitung.
Judas said:
Ports weiterleiten

Du hast zweimal "set_upload_limit" drin. Daran wirds aber nicht liegen. Im Grunde sieht die Sample richtig aus, ich tippe darauf das es am Mod liegt.

Sollte es Mount&Musket sein - folge dieser Anleitung.

Danke. Sollte jetzt funktionieren.

Ich wusste nicht, dass es ein spezielles Multiplayer-Pack von Mount & Musket gibt. Danke für den Link!
Ich hab mal die Frage, ist es nur möglich 64 Slots zu hosten oder kann man mehr hosten ?
Nun, natürlich nicht, weil der Server ja irgendwo drauf laufen muss. Er braucht ja Ram usw. Die kann er ja aber nicht nutzen, wenn der PC aus ist.
Ich will jetz einen server auf meinem andern pc hosten , aber auf dem is kein warband installiert, ich kann den server dadrauf anmachen aber er kommt einfach nicht zur serverlist , habe den server der auf meinen guten pc kopiert , warum funzt das net (auch ports freigegebn) ???? :?:
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