Declare War Quest Help!

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Knight at Arms
Hi all

In my recent game, I as a Khergit defeated Swadia, Nord and Rhodoks. Only Vaegirs are alive and we are at peace. I took a "raid 2 caravans, and bring me war" quest. Strange thing I cant raid caravans since there is only one option : Leave. However, now Vaegirs are at war with only me. They didnt declare war on Khergit instead they are attacking my castles and pillaging my villages.

I tried to speak with a lord in castle for negotiating peace, but it has no such option (normally it has, "I want peace with Vaegirs..")

Thanks in advance  :smile:
Are you a vassal for the Khergits?  What is your relation to Vaegirs?  You must have a negative relation before you can attack the caravans.  Just keep telling the caravan master that you will own him and you should eventually get the option to fight.  If that doesn't work then something else must be screwed up.  There's probably a way to edit a file to declare war on them, I'm just now sure how to do that.
Yes I am both vassal and marshall of Khergits. My relation is now about -15. Ok, I will try to find  some caravans and try to get charge option :/
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