Ok, so I was given the quest where you get back "The Death's Hand" or whatever it's called. I ambushed the group of 180 wicked awesome men with my group of 99 wicked sweet men and won after a little while. I checked the after battle inventory, up down, top bottom, I scrolled all the way through, and whadya know, no axe thingy. So I decided, "Hey, it'll probably appear in my inventory automatically." I was wrong, and now it had been apparently destroyed despite the fact that it was no where near Everglade, in fact, it was still just in front of where the party left from. Now Warchief Krug is pissed off at me for something that wasn't there and now I can no longer progress in the quest. Is there anything I can do to fix this, or is it like this forever? I didn't post this as a bug report because i was hoping that someone would have a way to help me.