Death's Hand Quest

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Grandmaster Knight
Ok, so I was given the quest where you get back "The Death's Hand" or whatever it's called. I ambushed the group of 180 wicked awesome men with my group of 99 wicked sweet men and won after a little while. I checked the after battle inventory, up down, top bottom, I scrolled all the way through, and whadya know, no axe thingy. So I decided, "Hey, it'll probably appear in my inventory automatically." I was wrong, and now it had been apparently destroyed despite the fact that it was no where near Everglade, in fact, it was still just in front of where the party left from. Now Warchief Krug is pissed off at me for something that wasn't there and now I can no longer progress in the quest. Is there anything I can do to fix this, or is it like this forever? I didn't post this as a bug report because i was hoping that someone would have a way to help me.
This might be related with that other topic regarding the same problem. Might be a bug indeed.
alreayd a  topic on it mine :razz: but ya u got to make a new character and cheat him up back to what your charcter was like
This is a bug, it would appear. One of the easiest ways would be to simply up the 'abundance' value and set it to always_loot. Kardio had a more complicated trigger for this, IIRC, but they might be a good failsafe anyway.

Thanks for bringing this up.
I have a question for this quest now too.
Where is the town they want to go? and where they start, in the questtext written a town that doesn´t exist on the map, and so i canßt find it.
Can someone please tell me the name?
Some sort of Planelord's Town, I can't remember its name ... but why would you need to know its destination anyway, when you can just ambush it the moment it leaves Ultar? =/
Waldemmar said:
I´t isn´t a town, a village or a castel, wtf is Ultar?
(or have i other name cause i have the german version of M&B)

Nah, the names are the same for either version, as I made them :razz:
Then can you please post a screen of the town/village/castle and the near things.
At me the names are all the nativ, like wercheg, sargoth etc., and Salzmine and the "golden" Herberge zu den vier...
And cause the Salzmine, and not as in english salt... i thougt may it´s an other name :smile:
But i can´t find it

( with Planelord's you mean kergith´s right?)
How the heck did you screw up the mod so bad? None of the city/villages/castles should have those names. You sure you weren't just drunk and playing native? Unless ... you din't install the mod on an older version of M&B, did you? You need 1.011 for it to work, just so you know.

And by the way, my bad with the spelling, the place is Ulthar (or something like that). Its owned by ... uh ... I forgot the name of the kingdom, but their faction's colour is green and they have a red dragon on their banners.
I don't screw the mod up as bad!
And i weren't drunk or play native!
And cause you don't think i say the true

You see, it's the mod, the Herberge zu den vier Pfaden, the Salzmine
At the second you can see the troops, Fallen Heroes Illoriaon Devotee...
So you see it's the true!

And if i don't like the mod, mhh why do you think then why i play it? mhh, cause it's a great mod that i like!
Waldemmar said:
I don't screw the mod up as bad!
And i weren't drunk or play native!
And cause you don't think i say the true

You see, it's the mod, the Herberge zu den vier Pfaden, the Salzmine
At the second you can see the troops, Fallen Heroes Illoriaon Devotee...
So you see it's the true!

And if i don't like the mod, mhh why do you think then why i play it? mhh, cause it's a great mod that i like!

Well, was this mod American only? Or is this compatible with all? Could it be that he's German (I think) and his own computer is messing it up???
Strange thing :grin:
But i found it now on my own, the want to go to Halmar :smile:
and wow, the axe is great! as big as the factionaxe and look´s definitly better! and the dmg, and the +1 weapnpoint for twohandet, i lve it :smile:
but now i need an new army :grin: A very hard fight, i hate archers^^ my orc´s need shild´s xD
Woah, hold on.

A while back I got an e-mail from a German fellow asking if he could translate it for me. I said sure, didn't hear from it again. Did you download this mod from somewhere in a German forum, or from the normal link in the forums?
No, ich download it normaly on
But the other things are english too, the dialogs etc., just a few are in german.
But now the next thing xD i must find a druid in butter..., so i travel along and go into all villages i see, but after a lot villages i decided to ask you for a screen of the village, and if no screen please the colour of the village, i thing i have now all purple and the most of the green
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