Ah, crap. I died... due to a stupid mistake more then anything else. I joined up with the Vaegirs, then started fighting with the lords/king himself. Huge fight with Swadia, going poorly, most of our first wave died to I decided to retreat so the second wave. Seemed like a good idea. The problem wasn't retreating, it was how I was retreating. Instead of bringing up my shield and slowly moving back to the rest of the army, I turn around and fled. Got hit by a crossbow bolt in the back. If I had my shield up I would have blocked that...
We lost the battle. Out of 1200+ troops on each side, the Swadians won with 50. Anyway, I now have 20 days left on the earth and I need to be resurrected. I have the Charm of Fear, as mentioned earlier. I haven't seen a single Army of the Dead all game - has anyone noticed a particular place they tend to congregate(Sort of how bandits are in large supply in the forest around Senuzgda Castle?). I'm makign getting a Death Ward my first priority now. Since Epic Trophies come from random fights, I guess I'll just have to run around fighting as much as possible for that one...
EDIT: I just found an Army of the Dead. Only I have no chance at all of defeating it. I mean... there's 39 Fallen Ones. I have 39 Vaegir Archers...
EDIT2: I found a much smaller Army of the Dead, consisting of only 5 Fallen Ones. They were easy to defeat, but no Death Ward, and no Epic Trophy
I did notice an interesting phenomenon however. When I died I was given the item "Spirit Mask", which I never got when a previous character died. It's the same skull that Fallen Ones wear, with good stats(+50 to Head, Body and Leg armor). It's most interesting feature is after I donned it, it gave me new powers. Regularly I will see a message saying "The mask gives you strength", which adds another day onto my total time remaining on this world. So far I've gotten this message 4 times over the period of 3 days, so right now I'm still at 19 days(Once the mask was wasted, giving me strength when I had 20 days left, leaving me with 20 days on this world). Anyway, does this mask expire after a while, or can I count on it's regenerating time until I recover? Also, why didn't I get it on my other characters?